发表: 2023年6月12日

这些奖励是1美元的一部分.88 million in 2023 生物医学 research grant funding for Colorado researchers 

Three 博彩平台推荐 助理教授s have been named 2023 Boettcher Investigators, 每人收入235美元,000 in grant funding to support up to three years of 生物医学 research. The 13-year-old program invests in leading Colorado researchers during the early stages of their careers, providing support to fund their independent scientific research.


努里斯·菲格罗亚·莫拉莱斯 studies the complex interactions between microorganisms and their environment.

The three CU Boulder award winners and their fields of study are: 

  • 努里·菲格罗亚, 助理教授, physics; studying the mechanics of mucus organization and transport; 
  • 哈利勒·艾登, 助理教授, biochemistry; investigating cellular and molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial form and function in human health and disease; and  
  • 尼克Bottenus, 助理教授, 生物医学, 材料力学, and 机器人 and systems design in the College of Engineering and Applied Science; studying binding kinetics of targeted microbubble agents.

这些奖项的资金部分是由 韦伯-沃林生物医学研究奖 程序,该程序由 种子基金.

“It’s an honor to be acknowledged by a distinguished organization,艾登在谈到伯特彻基金会时说. “The Boettcher Foundation Webb-Waring 生物医学研究 Award will grant our laboratory the opportunity to develop novel approaches and push the boundaries of high-resolution imaging and structural cell biology to advance our understanding of how cellular machines function normally, 以及它们是如何被疾病腐蚀的. An integrative understanding of how protein machines function has implications for targeting cardiovascular diseases, 代谢紊乱, 癌症, 衰老和广泛的神经退行性疾病.”


哈利勒·艾登 是膜生物学的专家吗, 细胞信号传导, 蛋白质和酶学, 分子生物物理学, 结构生物学, 和电子冷冻显微镜(cryoEM).

Figueroa also expressed thanks to the Boettcher Webb-Waring 生物医学研究 Program and for what the funding will mean for her research team’s work. 

“有了这笔研究经费, my team and I will have the means to investigate mechanical properties of lung mucus, 它是如何流动的, 以及细菌如何在其中导航,”她说。. “Our research will look at the biophysics of lung-obstructive diseases using new quantitative and interdisciplinary tools, to further understand causes and consequences of failed mucus clearance and hopefully device solutions.”

Bottenus said, “Being named a Boettcher Investigator is an amazing career milestone. I’m grateful to become a part of a rich community of 生物医学 researchers throughout Colorado. This award will allow my group to grow in new directions, applying our acoustics and signal processing techniques to more fundamental biological investigations. I hope that our work will translate to improved diagnostic imaging, 个性化医疗, and accessible health care technologies as we pursue new approaches to molecular imaging.”


助理教授尼克Bottenus' research is focused on developing system-level solutions to problems in diagnostic ultrasound imaging.

The awards given to the three CU Boulder 助理教授s are part of a larger pot of $1.88 million grant funding awarded to eight individuals from four of Colorado’s research institutions: CU Boulder, 科罗拉多大学安舒茨医学院科罗拉多州立大学和国家犹太人健康中心. 

“We are thrilled to support our 2023 Boettcher Investigators, 作为他们工作的骄傲的投资者, we are confident that these exceptional researchers will continue to push the boundaries of discovery and medical breakthrough,凯蒂·克莱默说, 伯彻基金会的总裁兼首席执行官. “Their innovative research holds the promise of transformational impact that will drive progress in health care and make a meaningful difference in the lives of Coloradans.”

自2010年成立以来, the 韦伯-沃林生物医学研究奖 program has advanced the work of 98 Boettcher Investigators with more than $20 million in grant funds. The researchers have attracted more than $150 million in additional independent research funding from federal, 国家和私人资源. 

“Colorado BioScience Association applauds 种子基金’s support of Colorado’s most dynamic and promising researchers,爱丽丝·布拉泽维奇说, president and CEO of the Colorado BioScience Association.

“The Webb-Waring Biomedical 奖 program invests in Colorado researchers at a pivotal time in their careers and encourages them to deepen their roots in Colorado as they contribute to the leading-edge health innovations coming from our state.”