发表: 10月. 17, 2019


Transfer students make up a substantive number—around 38%—of all students currently pursuing a college degree. 根据国家学生信息中心研究中心的最新报告 转移和调动报告, more than one million first-time freshmen in 2011 transferred to a different institution within six years. 有了新的数据 比如这些博彩app推荐转校生的数据, 许多学院和大学都在密切关注这个长期被忽视的潜在群体. 他们也比以往招收了更多的转校生; 加州大学系统 在2019-2020学年接受了创纪录数量的转学生. 同样的, 转校生占利兹商学院学生总数的近10%. 目前,该校3800多名本科生中有422人是转校生.

然而, 转学过程常常给学生带来挑战, 从失去学分到增加完成学位的年数, 这使得平稳过渡到新机构对他们的成功至关重要. 那么,四年制学院和大学如何确保这些人在他们的学校里茁壮成长呢? 这里有一些建议,可以帮助学生和他们的家庭院校简化这个过程:

One way that Leeds has helped transfer students succeed is by offering an orientation program focused solely on them. 这给处于相同情况的人提供了见面的机会, 了解建筑的布局和他们的顾问办公室的位置, 见见这个项目的教职员工和在校生.

兰斯Duffin, 利兹大学转校生的顾问, says that the biggest factor that helps their orientation program ensure success is by “creating a cohort of students. 他们互相了解,他们知道名字,建立学习小组,并开始建立网络.” Duffin says these types of early connections are invaluable to the success of the transfer students with whom he works.  
Penn encourages a strong transfer community on campus starting with personal attention given in the admissions process. 从历史上看, the school has held open house events tailored to transfer students and has a Transfer Student 组织 that runs a mentoring program pairing new transfer students with previous transfers.

Other schools have begun offering transfers the opportunity to register and enroll at events for prospective and newly admitted students. 这个过程叫做 即时决策日在美国,学生可以与招生顾问见面,并在当天得到录取决定. Offering this opportunity for transfer students can help simplify an otherwise complicated transfer process.

Admissions and recruitment teams should do their homework on this demographic; reasons cited for why these students enrolled in two-year colleges first are very different from the reasons first-years enroll in four-year institutions. 根据 高等教育内幕这是美国国家大学研究中心最近的一项调查 & University Admissions breaks the transfer students into the following types of decision makers: Cost Saver, 本地浏览器, 学业进步者和大器晚成者. 招收这些学生的策略应该考虑到这些潜在的动机. 

达芬将他的职位描述为对即将到来的转学生的支持. “I’m here to help students understand their transfer evaluations and to help them be strategic before they get here,他说. 这种方法不会浪费学生在其他学校获得的学分,从而节省了学生的时间. He further suggests that schools “relegate funds and staff to commit time and energy directly to these students.” 

在利兹商学院, 他们有专门为转校生服务的顾问, 在注册课程之前,学生需要与他们的导师进行一对一的会面. 根据Duffin的说法,“找到让(转)学生面对面交流的方法是至关重要的.” 

2017年的一份报告 政府问责局 (GAO)发现,大多数转学生平均损失了37%的学分. One way to help these students avoid the obstacle of losing significant credits is by making detailed information about your curriculum accessible on your website. 确保这些信息是最新的,并且尽可能详细. Create custom content with logistics and details and make certain that content paints a realistic picture of what life is like at your school for a transfer student.

The GAO’s report demonstrates findings similar to many other studies: Both two- and four-year institutions do a poor job—or fail completely—at providing clear program maps for students to follow online. 没有适当的指导,用户体验不佳, 学生可能会选错课,或者缺了他们需要的关键学分. 随着在移动平台上搜索大学的高中生数量也在增长, 学校需要关注他们为所有未来学生提供的数字体验.

研究 shows that articulation agreements—partnerships—with community colleges that explain and align the credits needed for a specific program or degree are one of the biggest factors in transfer student success. 有了协议, students can save significant money on tuition because they will not be repeating credits or having to “start over” once they arrive at your school. 加州的社区大学系统为很多学生提供服务, 国家已经创建了一个强大的发音系统称为 跨部门通识教育转换课程(IGETC) 有两个州立大学系统, 加州州立大学和加州大学系统.

Some institutions have taken a completely different approach to address and simplify the issue of non-transferrable credits by becoming a member of the 州际护照计划. Member schools offer students lower-division general education credits as a block of credits to transfer with, 消除了每个课程被单独接受和可能被拒绝的需要. 因此, if you attend a school that is a member of the program and transfer to a school that is also a member of the program, 你可以避免不便, 传统转移体验的成本和时间. 

《博彩app推荐》 has described the cost of college and the financial aid process as serious barriers for transfer students, 他们中的许多人是低收入的. A vertical transfer from a two-year school to a four-year school offers underrepresented students a more financially viable option for completing their degrees; although, universities have typically not offered the same scholarships and grants to transfer students as they have to first-time, 一年级学生. 

部分奖学金, work-study programs and other financial aid can also make a difference for many students considering a move to your school. 通过解决成本问题,在他们开始与你的学校, you can alleviate many of the major hurdles that prevent transfer students from succeeding in your programs. 

By prioritizing efforts to recruit and admit transfers as well as support their transition from one school to another, 学院和大学将从中获益良多. 除了提高大学的收益,转学生还会给学校带来额外的收入. They also provide an additional opportunity to diversify the student population with students who have a wide breadth of academic and life experience to share with their peers. The key is communicating transfers’ importance in your institution’s strategic planning and ensuring the resources necessary to support their success are provided for, 这包括考虑他们的健康吗, 住宿生活(如适用), 课外活动和其他有助于积极的大学经历的方面.

It’s no surprise that the high cost of today’s higher education and student debt present a huge barrier for anyone considering college. 作为回应,一些州采取了行动 通过立法使社区大学免费, 最近的一次是加州, 谁的社区学院构成了美国最大的高等教育体系, 用2.100万学生. 纽约州是第一个免除两年制和四年制大学学费的州.e.美国州立大学和纽约城市大学),其次是俄勒冈州. 田纳西州, Maryland and Rhode Island also have policies in place that cover tuition at community colleges for students who meet state-specific criteria. 期待, 更多的两年制大学变得越来越容易获得,也越来越便宜, the more colleges and universities will want to be prepared for an uptick in the number of transfer applicants in the near future.