Published: Oct. 20, 2021 By

Brad Turner directing a live taping of a podcast

Brad Turner directing a live taping of On Something.

Put Your Headphones On 

After working several years as a print reporter and editor, Brad Turner (Jour, 2002年,他搬到了科罗拉多公共广播电台(CPR),现在是音频创新工作室的执行制作人, overseeing podcasts and other creative audio projects. In his eight years at CPR, 他在新闻编辑室制作播客的同时,探索了他在新闻和音乐方面的兴趣, composing theme songs and scores, hosting a podcast on modern composers, and reporting stories for the radio. 在这里,他谈到了他在科罗拉多大学的时光,他最近的项目和播客的力量.

What was the best part of your CU experience?

Well, I met my wife Kim in one of my reporting classes. So that's hard to beat. And there were many places in Boulder I loved. I spent a lot of time on the Boulder Creek Path, in Chautauqua Park and shopping for music at Second Spin, 哪家已经过时很久了,但在新到货区总是有很棒的东西.

What skills did you learn at CU that help you today in your career?

I earned degrees in journalism and music, which was fantastic. Podcasting didn't really exist at that point, 但也有一些时候,我瞥见了我可能喜欢做什么来谋生. 我为一个报道班写了几篇博彩app推荐世界事务会议的专题文章, 我的导师桑德拉·菲什帮助它们在《博彩平台推荐》杂志上发表 Daily Camera. 报纸上的第一个署名令新闻系学生兴奋不已, 我喜欢采访人们,了解他们工作中的想法. On the music side, 我记得我和约翰·德拉姆海勒和迈克尔·西奥多一起上电子作曲课,我真的把自己倾注在电脑上切割声音上. 我非常喜欢在电脑屏幕上玩声音,以至于我在实验室里一直待到半夜. 

More than anything, 我在科罗拉多大学了解到,我喜欢那种能让你陷入心流状态,在几个小时内失去自我的工作. 当我为一个音频故事写剧本,混合一个播客片段或写音乐时,我有这种感觉.

What is special about podcasts versus other forms of media? 

It's a really intimate medium. Great podcasts can have similarities to radio news, documentary film or talk shows, 但如果耳边有主持人或讲故事的人的声音,感觉就有点不同了. That's powerful. 我认为它有助于博彩平台推荐在情感层面上与故事和想法联系起来. 我发现在播客中听到别人的故事很容易引起我的共鸣.

我也开始意识到播客是屏幕时间的休息. I like that both as a listener and as a parent.

You’ve helped produce many podcasts at CPR. Is there one that you are particularly proud of?

I am really proud of Systemic, which we released earlier this year. I hired a brilliant producer named Jo Erickson last fall, 在她工作的头一两周,她来找我,提出了一个博彩app推荐纪录片系列的好主意. 她想跟随黑人警察的脚步,努力从内部改变执法部门. This seemed like such an important story to tell. 所以Jo和博彩平台推荐团队的其他成员在接下来的几个月里收集了音频, 博彩平台推荐在乔治·弗洛伊德被谋杀一周年的时候发布了这个节目. Apple Podcasts placed Systemic in its featured podcast queue that week, 在这个举国反思的时刻,有这么多听众发现了这个节目,这真是太棒了. 

You've launched a new podcast, Music Blocks. Tell us about it.

Music Blocks grew out of a research project with CPR Classical, the classical music station at Colorado Public Radio. We wanted to create a show for younger listeners. 博彩平台推荐与科罗拉多州学校的老师和课程专家进行了交谈,听说他们可以使用一些东西来帮助学生更深入地思考音乐. We’ve released eight episodes so far, 使用当前流行音乐和古典音乐的听力例子. 每一集的共同线索都是一种情感,比如快乐或恐惧.

You helped create Back From Broken, an interview podcast about recovery and comeback stories. What inspired this series’ creation?

It began as a passion project. Our host, Vic Vela, is a journalist who's in recovery himself. A small team worked with Vic to find a format, 博彩平台推荐决定进行一系列亲密的一对一访谈,内容涉及药物滥用和人们努力克服的其他挑战. We hear about how the person's life got off track, what the worst moments were like, how they found a path back and what they've learned from it all. 它有时触及令人难以置信的原始主题,但它总是以一个充满希望的地方结束. 我认为博彩平台推荐采访一些名人是很重要的,比如科罗拉多民谣摇滚乐队The Lumineers的成员,或者职业摔跤手Jake The Snake Roberts, 因为成瘾和心理健康以很多不同的方式影响着人们.

Why is telling these stories important?

Back From Broken changes lives. 博彩平台推荐也有其他的播客获得了更多的下载量,但是博彩平台推荐收到的信息量 Back From Broken listeners is incredible. 博彩平台推荐的听众说,听到这个节目让他们重新审视自己的生活,或者决定寻求治疗. 或者博彩平台推荐听到家庭成员对正在挣扎的亲人有了新的同情心. 在一个对听众来说意义重大的节目中工作感觉很棒. We saw the listenership grow quite a bit during the pandemic, 可能是因为人们想听博彩app推荐克服困难和找到希望的故事.

What is your go-to podcast?

我听了很多播客,因为我需要了解人们正在制作和谈论的新节目. I end up listening to a little of everything, 但很少能看完一整季,因为有太多要听的了. But the exception to that is probably Heavyweight该节目帮助人们为过去未解决的时刻找到了结. That podcast is so beautifully written, 我很确定我在每一集的某个时刻都会笑出声来. 

What are your favorite things to do when you’re not working?

我喜欢和家人一起度过周末,通常是骑自行车或在山上闲逛. We also love to visit national parks. 我真的很高兴音乐会场地和电影院重新开放. I've been at Red Rocks and the Alamo Drafthouse lately, 弥补了我在过去一年半没有看过的很多音乐和电影. 我仍然喜欢弹贝斯,在电脑上做音乐,就像我在加州大学的时候一样.

Condensed and edited by Alexx McMillan. 

Photo courtesy of Brad Turner