Campus Culture Surveys

Listening & Learning

“这项调查是让博彩平台推荐的集体声音被听到的有力工具. The critical insights provided by students, 教职员工将帮助博彩平台推荐建立一个更具包容性的校园社区.”  

—JB Banks, acting vice chancellor for student affairs

博彩平台推荐博彩app推荐调查的目的是从学生那里收集可操作的信息, staff and faculty about their classroom, workplace and, for undergraduates, campus residential environments. 博彩平台推荐定期对本科生进行针对特定人群的博彩app推荐调查, graduate students, faculty, staff, 研究机构成员和学术单位成员接受学术项目评审.  

Survey items address a range of topics, including sense of belonging, workplace support and respect, incivility and protected-class harassment and discrimination. Along with other resources and insights, 调查结果将有助于校园领导制定和实施政策和做法,以解决阻碍博彩平台推荐为校园社区的所有成员创造和维护尊重和包容的校园环境的不平等现象. Survey findings may also be used, for example, 由研究机构或学术单位的领导识别和维护单位环境的积极方面,并确定可以改进的领域.

2021 Campus Culture Survey

博彩平台推荐在2021年秋季进行了博彩app推荐调查,以收集学生的见解, faculty and staff about their experiences in classrooms, workplaces and, for undergraduate students, their campus residential environments.

Along with other resources and insights, 调查结果将指导校园领导制定行动计划, 这包括制定和实施政策和实践,以解决阻碍博彩平台推荐为所有社区成员创造和维护包容性校园环境的不平等现象.

应科罗拉多大学董事会的要求,科罗拉多大学的四个校区和丹佛的科罗拉多大学系统办公室进行了这项调查. 该大学打算每四年进行一次调查,以评估在科罗拉多大学所有四个校区创建社区的进展情况,使所有学生都能受益, 教职员工在学术和专业上茁壮成长并取得成功.

The survey included measures to assess sense of belonging, respect and support, and identity-based discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. 问题是询问不文明行为,以及调查参与者是否会将这些经历归因于他们的身份和行为, if so, which identity or identities.


2021年秋季,近18000名科罗拉多大学博尔德社区成员参加了这项调查. Response rates were very strong, with 73% of staff, 59% of faculty, 48% of graduate students, and 30% of undergraduate students responding to the survey.

Undergraduate and graduate students, 教职员工回答了有关归属感的问题, connection and community, feeling valued and respected, and about experiences with discrimination, hostile treatment and protected-class harassment, including sexual harassment.

这项调查是科罗拉多大学系统应博彩平台推荐的要求领导的一项更广泛的倡议的一部分. 首尔大学将每4年进行一次“博彩app推荐调查”,以更新对学生经历的了解, faculty and staff in various campus environments.

Campus survey administrators from the CU Boulder Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance and the Office of Data Analytics 使用这些人口统计指标来比较报告的课堂, 跨群体的工作和本科住宿经历.

他们的目的是识别和阐明不同身份的人在经历中的差异. 这些信息是必不可少的制度政策和实践的发展,以满足校园社区的所有成员的需要.

以前的校园调查包括学生氛围调查和对教职员工进行的博彩app推荐调查的试点管理. 在许多情况下,所有这些评估都揭示了适用于大多数调查参与者的担忧.

However, 调查结果还一致表明,对女性、LGBTQ+以及边缘种族和族裔群体的包容和归属感的威胁,对他们的影响尤为严重.

博彩平台推荐致力于创造一个包容的环境,让社区的所有成员都受到尊重, supported and valued.

To achieve these goals, 学术和行政单位领导将根据调查结果和其他资源在2022-23学年制定行动计划,以确定优势和关注领域, 特别是当它们涉及对边缘群体的社区成员产生更大影响的问题时.

For more information, view the Survey Report.

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2023 Institutes Culture Survey

博彩平台推荐于2023年10月进行了学院文化调查,以收集员工对他们在博彩平台推荐工作经历的见解 research institutes. The survey assessed the sense of belonging, workplace norms, supportiveness and inclusiveness of the environment, and experiences of incivility and discrimination.

这项调查是多元化高级副校长办公室的共同努力, Equity, and Inclusion, the Office of Information Technology’s data and analytics division, and the university’s research institutes. 调查结果将指导研究所领导人制定战略行动计划,以加强博彩平台推荐的承诺,为研究所社区的每一位成员培养和维护一个包容的氛围.

Out of approximately 3,420 potential participants, 1,309 employees responded to the survey, yielding an overall response rate of 38%. 不同类型员工的参与程度各不相同:专业员工的回应率最高,为47%, postdoctoral employees followed with 42%, and graduate employees participated at a rate of 29%. Undergraduate employees had the lowest response rate at 19%. 各研究所的详细回复率可在仪表板上查看.

请按以下按钮查看“2023书院文化调查”的结果. Refer to the field definitions and the dashboard manual 有关指示板内容以及如何使用指示板的详细信息. 

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