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Katie Little received her BA from the University of California, Berkeley and her PhD from Duke University. She taught at Vassar College and Fordham University before coming to the University of Colorado Boulder in 2011.

Her primary research interest is in bridging the divide between the Middle Ages and the early modern.  She has published essays on Chaucer’s poetry, the Langland-tradition, Spenser’s debts to Chaucer, and sixteenth-century English humanism.  Her first book explores the late medieval heresy, Lollardy — Confession and Resistance: Defining the Self in Late Medieval England (University of Notre Dame Press, 2006); and the second charts the re-emergence of pastoral — Transforming Work:  Early Modern Pastoral and Late Medieval Poetry (University of Notre Dame Press, 2013).  At present she is working on a book about humanism in sixteenth-century England.

She is also interested in genre and has co-edited a collection of essays on romance, Thinking Medieval Romance (Oxford University Press, 2018) with Nicola McDonald, and written an essay on Pastoral in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature: http://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190201098.013.1078.

A recent project, in response to the crisis of the humanities, is an online, open-access journal entitled New Chaucer Studies:  Pedagogy and Profession -- http://escholarship.org/uc/ncs_pedagogyandprofession.

Areas of Specialty

  • British Literature
  • Medieval Literature
  • Renaissance Literature