LGBTQIA and Allies LLC


Spectrum is the first living learning community on CU’s campus with a long history and commitment to supporting LGBTQIA students and their allies. Since 2001, this LLC has focused on community dialogue, allyship, and identity development for gender inclusivity and sexual expression. Through this LLC, students focus on equity, equality and acceptance for LGBTQIA communities, and secure a deeper perspective of inclusion and equity, social justice and identity formation and development. This community also has gender-inclusive restrooms which create greater access and privacy for the students it works to serve.



    • There is no fee associated with LGBTQIA and Allies LLC


    • Select the LGBTQIA and Allies LLC under Program/Residence Hall in the online housing application.


    • This LLC is open to first-year and returning students in any college.

    Program Details

    • Through the LGBTQIA and Allies LLC, students will find a supportive, social and communal space
    • Students will gain a perspective of equality and acceptance around LGBTQIA communities as well as their impact on a greater diverse world 
    • Students will gain a perspective of inclusion and equity through focused programming and educational sessions around diversity and social justice
    • Students will have the opportunity to gain skills engaging in cross-cultural dialogue around the student experience, campus climate and retention at the University of Colorado
    • The Spectrum living area has gender-neutral bathrooms which create greater access and privacy
    • The Center for Inclusion and Social Change and other campus offices provide support for the program
    • A peer mentor and a resident advisor are available on the floor to support community dialogue