
Fatuma Emmad ORE

Fatuma Emmad

Outdoor Recreation Economy
Born and raised between Denver and Ethiopia, 法图玛在农业和政治科学方面的根基使她能够深入了解土地及其社区. 她的工作范围从管理数英亩的有机传家宝蔬菜到倡导反对作物生产力的单一解决方案, 法图玛在环境管理方面有二十多年的奉献精神,对社会公平有着深刻的承诺, with extensive experience in environmental advocacy, 结合...
Mark Gasta ORE

Mark Gasta

Outdoor Recreation Economy
马克·加斯塔是博彩平台推荐户外娱乐经济(ORE)项目的教学教授和副主任. 马克热衷于培养以目标为导向的领导者,他们有能力建立可持续发展的组织,将户外娱乐和旅游作为强大的经济发展工具,并作为帮助减轻贫困、保护野生环境和受威胁文化的途径. Mark is also the Founder...
Clif Harald ORE

Clif Harald

Outdoor Recreation Economy
克利夫·哈拉尔德是First Flatiron咨询公司的创始人和负责人,专门从事经济活力规划和管理. 克利夫在社区经济发展和私营企业的职业生涯中积累了丰富的经验. For more than a decade he was executive director of the Boulder Economic Council (BEC), 这是一个由企业和社区高管组成的跨行业领导小组,致力于维持博尔德的经济活力. While leading the BEC, Clif engaged...
Joel Hartter ORE

Joel Hartter

Outdoor Recreation Economy
Joel是博彩平台推荐MENV和ORE专业研究生学位课程的教授. Joel is a National Geographic Explorer, and for the last 20 years, Joel has worked as a researcher, consultant, 工程师, and educator. 他在东非和南部非洲以及马达加斯加的国家公园开展项目,探索保护管理问题, climate change, 健康, resource extraction, human behavior, and recreation. 他已经...
Lydia Lawhon ORE

Lydia Lawhon

Instructor • 教师 Lead for the Public Lands and Natural Resources Policy Certificate
Outdoor Recreation Economy
Dr. Lydia Lawhon在大黄石生态系统和科罗拉多州的自然资源管理问题上有近二十年的工作经验. As faculty with the Masters of the Environment professional program at CU Boulder, she has taught courses on environmental policy, public lands policy, natural resource governance, and Capstone project management. 她与来自政府和非营利部门的不同合作伙伴就以下主题为MENV Capstone项目提供咨询...
Gregor McGregor ORE

Gregor McGregor

Teaching Assistant 教授
Outdoor Recreation Economy
Gregor MacGregor is a 教师 Fellow at the University's Law School, where he teaches courses on natural resources and directs the Acequia Project, 为科罗拉多州南部的伊斯帕诺灌溉者提供与土地相关的法律服务, water rights, and businesses. 作为户外娱乐经济项目的讲师,他专注于环境法律和政策. Prior to joining academia, Gregor worked as a water...
Sarah Mink ORE

Sarah Mink

Outdoor Recreation Economy
Sarah曾为零售和酒店行业的各种公司运营过小型和大型项目,她喜欢通过项目的规划和执行来分享将战略变为现实的实用性. 她曾在韦尔度假村(Vail Resorts)的户外娱乐行业工作了八年,与各种利益相关者合作,开展员工等项目, communities, operations, and legal/ compliance entities. She is a Principal Consultant & 客户端...
Georgina Miranda ORE

Georgina Miranda

Outdoor Recreation Economy
Georgina is a social entrepreneur, adventure athlete, international speaker, 作家, transformation coach, consultant, mindfulness and energy practitioner, 积极分子, 她是She Ventures的创始人兼首席执行官,这是一家社会企业,释放了世界各地女性在商业和生活中尚未开发的力量. 近二十年来,她帮助世界各地的公司和领导者完成变革和转型. Georgina’s work, thought-leadership, climbing, and activism has been featured and quoted...
Natalie Ooi ORE

Natalie Ooi

Teaching Assistant 教授 • 教师 Lead for Building Resilient Communities Certificate
Outdoor Recreation Economy
Natalie Ooi是一位教育工作者和研究人员,专门研究可持续旅游和娱乐. 她的热情在于与行业和社区合作,为下一代领导人为创新做出贡献, resilient and just tourism/outdoor recreation economy. 她于2021年加入了博彩平台推荐的户外娱乐经济项目,担任社区经济发展和户外娱乐经济证书的教师领导, after having...
Chris Sword ORE

Chris Sword

Outdoor Recreation Economy
Chris is a GM and leader with a track record of success in diverse environments. 他拥有包括户外消费品在内的多个行业的国际经验, technology, automotive, and financial services. 在领导了2021年RovR(一家总部位于科罗拉多州的消费品公司)的一轮融资之后,, Chris came on board as CEO to help drive the company’s next stage of growth. Prior to this role, Chris was President of...


Pilar Devolx ORE

Pilar Devolx

Program Manager
Outdoor Recreation Economy
担任博彩平台推荐户外休闲经济项目的项目经理, Pilar provides student, faculty and operational support for the ORE. Pilar is a world citizen; born and raised in Spain, she has lived in 4 countries in 3 continents. 她有 a JD and an MBA degree, 她认为自己是一个多才多艺的专业人士,喜欢将不同背景和文化的人联系起来. 她有...
Headshot of Jordan Maness

Jordan Maness

Career Advising Specialist and Certified Life Coach
Corporate Communication • Organizational Leadership • Outdoor Recreation Economy
Jordan Maness是博彩平台推荐继续教育部门的职业咨询专家. 他是一位经验丰富的职业服务专家,在加州大学洛杉矶分校拥有超过15年的指导和演讲经验, Santa Monica College, and Mount Saint Mary’s University. He is a Certified Life Coach as well as a certified Breathwork and Myers-Briggs facilitator. The focal point of his work is to inspire clients to live authentically...
Carly McNiece ORE

Carly McNiece

Admissions Specialist • Enrollment and Communications Manager
Outdoor Recreation Economy
卡莉为未来的学生提供支持,并与教职员工密切合作,继续发展ORE项目,帮助培养创新人才, thoughtful leaders across the outdoor recreation sector. Carly has worked in higher education for the past several years in a variety of roles, which have allowed her to expand and grow her professional experience. 她有 lived in four different states (Florida, 科罗拉多州, Minnesota, and...