
共享及出租电动滑板车(Lime Scooters)

石灰摩托车Lime是博尔德市唯一一家电动滑板车公司. 任何人都可以搭车过来 下载智能手机的Lime应用 and following the instructions for setting up an account. The e-scooters are managed using GPS technology which allows for the remote management of access, 速度, 停车场及营业时间. 例如, the scooters will notify riders when they are nearing “no-ride” zones, and the devices will automatically slow in areas with low 速度 limits like the multi-use path between the CU planetarium, 社区和工程中心.

提示: Download the lime app to see the most up-to-date zones and lime groves or to find your nearest scooter.

  • Maximum 速度 is 15 mph with some designated 10 mph slow zones.
  • Campus access is limited to certain preferred routes on streets, 多用途的路径 and some sidewalks where a bike lane is not present in an adjacent street. 如果你进入"禁止进入"区域, the e-scooter will lose propulsion until you return to the prefered route.

Scooters on CU properties must be parked at specific parking hubs called "Lime Groves" which are shown in the Lime app and signified by green paint on campus. Users will not be able to end their ride unless parked within the designated grove.  Off campus, parking is more flexible in most of the city. Scooters should be parked either in groves or near bike racks or other areas that don't hinder ADA access or impede pedestrians. 使用Lime应用程序查看位置和详细信息.


如果你经常骑车,你可以节省使用 LimePrime, 每月收费5美元.99) that has no unlock fee and you save 25% on the per-minute ride fee.  For comparison, a LimePrime user taking 6 ten minute rides would pay around $18.90美元,而普通用户只需支付31美元.同样的6次,20美元.

太贵了? 详情请参阅 LimeAccess which provides discounted rides to Lime users who qualify for public benefits. 符合条件的乘客无需支付任何费用.50美元解锁,只需要0美元.每分钟15人,其中可能包括佩尔助学金获得者. 伸出手去 access@li.me or 在线申请.

  • E-scooters are deployed in and must be parked in lime groves that allow for clear, unobstructed passage of pedestrians on/near sidewalks and do not impede Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility or the boarding or departure of transit users.
  • Each scooter is equipped with headlights, tail lights and other security features.
  • The Lime app has a "Training Mode" feature that limits the device 速度 to 8 mph so first-time riders can get the feel for riding. 
  • 博彩平台推荐鼓励骑车者总是戴上头盔. More information on discounted helmets available through Lime is available here

受伤-如果你被, 受伤, 或者与摩托车相撞而受伤, call 911 (if calling from a cell phone on campus tell the dispatcher that you are on campus so CUPD can be dispatched). Any incident that involves actual physical contact or injury should be reported to CU Police Department if on campus, 或者博尔德警察.  也请向Lime报告您的事故或受伤情况. 在这里用Lime填写一份报告 或致电1-888-546-3345


    Personally owned electric scooters are not allowed in campus buildings or in residence halls.  If you are freshman or plan to live in a CU residence hall we would encourage to forgo bringing a e-scooter to campus

    停车 - personal scooters (stand up e-scooters) should be parked at bike racks and follow similar guidelines as bicycles.  Do not block access to stairwells or other areas that would affect ADA accessibility

    Residence Life does not allow motorized vehicles to be taken into, 或者存储在, 任何可能发生火灾或爆炸的建筑物, 以及CU设施的电力负荷/容量.

    在家充电时, or in a spaces designated for bicycle or mobility device storage, follow the manufacturer and Consumer Product Safety Commission recommendations:

    • 只使用车辆附带的充电器
    • 不要隔夜充电
    • 不要让正在充电的车辆无人看管
    • 不要在易燃材料上或附近充电或储存
    • Have working fire extinguishers and smoke alarms in the charging area



    住宅街道上允许玩滑板, 有自行车道的街道, 多用途路径和人行道.

    The campus has 滑板架s near some of the largest lecture halls and classrooms on campus. There are two racks inside the Engineering Center and one inside Muenzinger Psychology. One each is located outside Cristol Chemistry and Biochemistry, 伊顿人文, 杜安物理与数学大楼. 每个机架最多可容纳10块电路板, which are inserted into thin slots and can be locked in place using two metal rings. 学生对自己的锁负责.

    • 让路给行人
    • 骑行时保持安全速度. 博尔德公路上的最高法定速度是每小时15英里
    • 在人行横道和十字路口慢至每小时8英里
    • 戴安全帽
    • 骑马时不要饮酒


    One-wheels and other small electric devices should follow the same rules as personal electric scooters.