发表: 12月. 10, 2021 By

作为第三代日裔美国人在一个多民族的环境中长大, 加州多种族社区, Daryl Maeda began questioning early on how he fit into the larger picture of society in the U.S.

Daryl Maeda

大学部教务长兼副教务长Daryl Maeda

We want to equip [students] with the capability to spend decades of their lives and careers exploring new avenues. 学会和使用新工具. 对未被问到的问题持开放态度. 这就是本科教育的价值所在.”

他对身份、权力、特权和归属等问题很感兴趣. He wondered about why society values some people over others based solely on the color of their skin. This quest for understanding led to a decades-long search that eventually brought him to CU Boulder where he is dean and vice provost of undergraduate education.

“I always had these questions because I saw how differently people are treated based on who they are,他说. “As I explored these topics in my own thinking and reading throughout college, I really became very interested in understanding what draws people together to work for social change.”

Maeda’s scholarly work has delved deeply into questions of equity and justice, and how people can come together to demand social justice and attain equality. 这直接导致了他在科罗拉多大学的工作, 整个社会的问题在学生的经历中反映在哪里.

博彩平台推荐,学生的成功是一个底线衡量标准. 当Maeda研究留存率和毕业率时, he is concerned that students from various racial and ethnic backgrounds and first-generation college students are more liable to suffer from attrition and less likely to graduate from CU. That result is tightly associated with their feelings of belonging on campus.

“When I say success for all students, I really do mean all students,” Maeda continued. “I’m committed to improving retention and graduation rates for students across the board. An effective way we do that is to ensure our most vulnerable students are being provided the resources they need. One of the programs I’m proudest of developing was a peer mentoring program for first-generation and/or BIPOC students,他说(用的是Black的首字母缩写), 土著人和有色人种).

Maeda champions building a supportive environment where incoming students can be paired with students with similar backgrounds and experiences at CU. This paves the way for students to feel comfortable asking questions about the university experience, 所以在他们踏入校园之前, they feel like they know someone who could help them on their educational journey. 这又回到了归属感和社区的感觉.

As a member of the Buff Undergraduate Success Leadership Implementation Team, Maeda’s responsibility is looking out for unevenness in cross-college interactions, as well as discerning opportunities to smooth the way for students to take full advantage of CU Boulder as a seamless institution. The office of undergraduate education takes a campuswide view of how students experience the institution of CU Boulder.

“To foster full engagement, we need to address the campus climate as a whole,他说. “有些学生来到这里面临的挑战并不是所有学生都面临的. 学生的成功意味着缩小成绩差距, 尤其是对第一代学生, BIPOC, 农村或LGBTQ学生. We must create an institution where students can have positive educational experiences and feel truly valued as Buffs.”

Maeda believes one of the benefits of college education is the unique opportunity to be immersed among people of widely-varying backgrounds, 一个学生们可能永远不会遇到的社会. He feels if all students at CU Boulder are able to make valuable connections, 遇到新的想法和思维方式, 然后,创造力的综合将使他们变得更加成功, 全面发展的人.

博彩平台推荐正在培养学生的思维习惯,”他说. “作为教育者, 博彩平台推荐感兴趣的是帮助他们磨练和培养好奇心, resilience and an ability to effectively solve problems––not just for a year or two years after they graduate from CU Boulder. We want to equip them with the capability to spend decades of their lives and careers exploring new avenues. 学会和使用新工具. 对未被问到的问题持开放态度. 这就是本科教育的价值所在.”

Maeda has published two books on Asian American social movements seeking racial justice in the late 1960s and early ‘70s––primarily about how Asian Americans have responded to a history of racism, 剥削, 歧视和骚扰, 以及他们如何着手建立一种泛民族认同, 并最终帮助所有受到类似因素影响的群体.

他的下一本书, 哪一本将在2022年出版, 是演员的文化史吗, 导演兼武术大师李小龙. It explores how Lee’s life and career demonstrate the emergence of a trans-Pacific zone of cultural contact and the power of cultural intermixing.

“在李小龙去世近50年后,我想起了他,前田说, “博彩平台推荐看到有人拒绝被关进盒子里, 是谁拒绝将世界视为非黑即白, who constantly crossed boundaries to find new and useful ideas and concepts around him and forge important relationships. 那是他成功的秘诀.”

前田于2005年加入加州大学博尔德分校,担任助理教授. He served as chair of the Department of Ethnic Studies and associate dean for student success in the College of 艺术 and 科学s before becoming dean and vice provost of undergraduate education. 他拥有密歇根大学美国文化博士学位, 她在旧金山州立大学获得民族研究硕士学位, 获得哈维马德学院数学学士学位.

“CU is an ideal institution for me because I’ve been able to pursue my passion for researching justice and equity and put my scholarship into practice to serve students,他说. “It’s important that CU fosters a rich and inclusive learning experience for all students. One that not only provides students with a meaningful education but also equips them with the tools they will need to make a difference in the world.”