Published: May 16, 2023

The Buff Undergraduate Success (BUS) initiative 本学年在11个项目上取得了重要进展,这些项目的重点是提高博彩平台推荐本科生的保留率和归属感.

Ongoing commitments for fall 2023

  1. Begin implementation of the common curriculum.

  2. Implement a common framework for undergraduate advising across the campus.

  3. Implement a plan to reduce tuition and fees for lower-income students.

  4. Expand the transfer credit evaluation efficiency pilot to more departments.

  5. Create a campus network for call center staff.

  6. 为使用新的一年级学生成功仪表盘制定指导方针和培训.

  7. 为所有学生和基于亲和力的社区协调和统一对主要校园传统的支持.

  8. Create a proposal for improving tutoring across campus.

  9. 改进分配优秀奖学金的预测GPA模型,并创建一致的奖学金更新标准.

  10. 重新聚焦CU领导联盟计划,为目标人群提供一致的服务.

  11. 为Canvas评分增强和最佳实践创建一个教师框架.

  12. Review campuswide degree audit rules, encoding and exception practices.


  • 在选定的文理学院进行试点,以加快对转学分的评估.

  • 为新录取的另类大学选择学生提供新的咨询经验的试点.  

  • A request for proposal for a new degree audit platform.

  • A centralized, published directory of affinity spaces campuswide (select “inclusive resources”).

  • A draft first-year student success dashboard created for review and comment.

  • Supporting the Boulder Faculty Assembly’s sponsorship of a vote by faculty governance groups on a campuswide common curriculum.

  • Centrally publicizing all campus tutoring centers.

  • 就新推出的学生交流模式向学生征求意见.

  • 用新的校园和学校/学院水平的本科入学推荐取代已经失效的最低学术准备标准(MAPS).

Two of the projects were accomplished in part, with work continuing:

  • Updating the campus e-communications policy.

  • Streamlining review and approval process for late course withdrawals.

这些成就源于“博彩平台推荐致力于在学术、学生支持和学生生活职能方面作为一个团队工作,” said Katherine Eggert, 负责学术规划和评估的高级副教务长,也是BUS的四位联合领导之一. “这种合作方式确实是确保博彩平台推荐的工作帮助学生实现他们的学术目标和里程碑的最有效和有效的方式,并打破了阻碍他们感觉自己属于博彩平台推荐社区的障碍。.”

埃格特还特别指出了院长委员会对公共汽车工作的重要参与和支持. “各学院的院长都致力于改善所有学生的本科教育, not only the ones in their own programs. 这是一种突破性的方法,将博彩平台推荐的学生成功计划与许多同行大学区分开来.”

BUS团队正在使用指标来评估学生成功的不同方面,并就未来的改进或增强做出明智的决定. These data address areas such as grade replacement impact on student GPA, 一年级学生秋季到春季的保留率(2022-23年与往年相比), 短信提醒对学生及时报名上课的影响, students’ progress in intra-university transfer, the effectiveness of the Alternative College Option Advising Pilot Program, the use and effectiveness of tutoring services, 以及学生们如何使用学生事务部新成立的基本需求部, among other areas of focus.  

“博彩平台推荐正在收集与博彩平台推荐的指标工作相关的学生基本需求的至关重要的数据," said Joe Thomas, associate vice chancellor for student affairs and BUS co-lead. "For example, between August of 2022 and March of 2023, 基本需要中心通过紧急膳食卡和住房援助向398名学生提供了经济援助, including assisting 25 students with emergency housing placement. 从2022年3月到2023年3月,博彩平台推荐发现校园食品储藏室分发给学生的食物数量增加了110%."   

Also this year, BUS initiated a reenrollment campaign this spring 目标是达到90%的新生保留率. Using data-informed targeting to encourage fall registration, 活动以院长们传达关怀和归属感的信息开始,并继续由校园专家为面临注册障碍的学生提供个性化帮助. BUS is currently evaluating the success of this effort.

许多公共汽车计划旨在解决负担能力方面的挑战, which directly affect retention, or to support students with minoritized identities across the university. For example, 目前正在进行一些项目,以制定一致和精简的分配办法, coordinating and renewing scholarships, refocus CU LEAD Alliance 为目标人群提供一致服务的方案,并实施一项计划 为低收入的科罗拉多州居民学生支付更大一部分的入学费用.

BUS已经宣布承诺在2023年秋季学期完成12项举措. “博彩平台推荐作为BUS团队的工作由包括教务处在内的单位领导, Student Affairs, Advising, the Office of the Registrar, Enrollment Management, the Office of Data Analytics, the Office of Information Technology, Undergraduate Education, Strategic Relations and Communications and the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion—is concentrated and impactful,” said Eggert. “As we look toward the fall with 12 ongoing commitments, 博彩平台推荐将继续使用数据来帮助推动博彩平台推荐的决策,并设计指标来衡量博彩平台推荐的进展.”

The BUS initiative was formed in fall 2021 and 负责根据数据做出明智的决定,以提高本科生的成功 by collaborating with students, faculty, 工作人员和单位实施项目和流程,帮助学生继续他们的博彩平台推荐的教育, earn timely degrees and feel like they belong.