By 发表: 2023年7月13日

美国食品和药物管理局周四批准了第一种非处方避孕药, 为数百万以前难以获得避孕药具的人打开了大门,他们可以不用处方就能获得避孕药具.



的Opill, 或nogestrel, 最初在1973年被批准作为处方使用,并使用激素黄体酮来预防怀孕. Stores and online retailers will begin carrying it in early 2024, with no age restrictions, according to drugmaker Perrigo.

The news comes just over one year after the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Roe v. 韦德, 允许各州将堕胎定为非法,并使生殖权利倡导者更加迫切地希望使避孕措施更容易获得.

阿曼达·史蒂文森, an associate professor of sociology, studies how access to contraception impacts women’s lives. 今天的科罗拉多大学 spoke with her about the FDA decision, and what comes next.

What do you make of this decision?

This is great news, 因为这表明FDA最终遵循了长期以来建立的证据,即人们可以自己决定他们的情况是否使他们使用口服避孕药安全. Oral contraception is one of the most commonly used medicines in the world, and about 100 other countries provide it without a prescription. Unnecessary barriers, like having to go to doctor’s appointments each year, 让人们更难以对自己最好的方式管理自己的性生活和生殖生活.

How might people’s lives be impacted?

博彩平台推荐自己的研究中博彩平台推荐知道,获得控制生育能力的能力可以更广泛地改善人们的生活, enabling them to achieve their educational, 的关系, financial and other goals. 例如, 博彩平台推荐在研究中发现,当科罗拉多州的女性更容易获得所有避孕方法时, including Intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants, 他们是 多达12% more likely to obtain a four-year college degree, less likely to drop out of high school and less likely to live in poverty.

In another long-term study in Bangledesh, colleagues from CU and other schools found that women given greater access to birth control had fewer children spread further apart, more of whom survived, and were able to invest more time and resources in the children they did have.

Studies show about one-third of U.S. women who have tried to get a prescription for the pill had trouble. 为什么这么难?

任何在过去三年中试图去看医生的人都知道,为任何人预约医疗服务都很困难. For people who have less access to money, 没有保险, are undocumented or have less ability to control their physical circumstances, 像青少年, the unnecessary barrier of a prescription is even greater.

There are also a lot of barriers that people in foster care face. 一项研究 一位同事的研究发现,在科罗拉多州儿童福利系统中,只有大约三分之一的八年级和九年级学生接受过有关节育的信息, and fewer than half know how to access it.

And physicians themselves can sometimes be barriers to care, 因为有时医生对什么避孕方法是最好的有他们自己的想法.

一些批评人士说,在柜台上出售这种药物会对女性的健康造成危害. 它会?

如果没有去看医生的人在服用避孕药之前去看过医生,那么口服避孕药可能出现的所有问题都可能出现. 例如, 在有医学禁忌症时,从柜台买药的人并不比去看医生的人更有可能使用口服避孕药. 每个使用口服避孕药的人都可能在错误的时间服用避孕药或不适当地储存避孕药.

Contraception is so much safer than being pregnant. The American Medical Association, 美国妇产科学院和美国儿科学会都支持人们更好地获得避孕措施,因为这是一项基本的卫生保健需求.

This ruling only covers Opill. What do reproductive health care advocates hope will happen next?

人们希望所有的口服避孕药很快就能在柜台上买到. The scientific evidence is there to support that.

But will people be able to afford this?

负担能力无疑仍然是一个问题,今天的决定对大多数人来说并没有多大帮助. 博彩平台推荐复杂的医疗融资和服务体系意味着存在许多不同种类的成本障碍. Some of them might be addressed by Biden’s June Executive Order on Strengthening Access to Ccontraception, but it depends on how the order is implemented.

例如, 《博彩app推荐》已经要求私营保险公司承保所有fda批准的避孕方法, but we know that many insurers never complied and the mandate has never been enforced. 行政命令是否有后续行动和执行将决定它是否能帮助人们获得所需的避孕保健.

Why is this such an important decision right now?

因为在美国,几乎每个人都比以前更难堕胎了. Even if you live in a state that hasn't introduced bans, 像科罗拉多, 存在着巨大的障碍,因为来自禁止堕胎的州的人们现在来到你所在的州寻求治疗. 因为这个原因, 人们特别关心自己是否有能力控制自己是否怀孕. So, contraception is key.

除了这项裁决,你还表示避孕在美国正受到威胁. What makes you say that?

近年来,一直倡导限制和禁止堕胎的组织和个人加大了反对避孕的言论和倡导力度, particularly against methods such as IUDs, which they wrongly paint as abortifacients.

博彩平台推荐已经看到,反对堕胎权利的组织采取了明确的政策立场,现在又反对使用避孕措施, as well as in social media discourse arguing that contraception is physically unsafe, 这是错误的. Some states have introduced bills suggesting bans.

Until Dobbs, the U.S. Supreme Court interpreted liberty to include the right to privacy, and the right to privacy to include the right to use contraception. So all that Dobbs did was formally remove abortion from the right to privacy. 一项权利可以以这种方式被剥夺的事实表明法院愿意重新考虑这类权利. We should be worried.

What can we do to preserve access to contraception?

博彩平台推荐可以通过反对避孕有害的错误说法来维护避孕的渠道, which are the basis of efforts to ban some methods like IUDs and pills. We can defend and expand publicly subsidized contraception programs like Title X, which has never received as much money as it needs.

We can also highlight the benefits of access to contraception, 例如,通过强调博彩平台推荐的国家和文化是多么的丰富,因为妇女参与公民, social and economic life. 博彩平台推荐可以谈谈避孕是这个国家几乎每个女人生活的一部分, allowing us to build the families we want on our own terms.

今天的科罗拉多大学 regularly publishes Q&正如博彩平台推荐的教职员工通过他们的学术专长和研究/创造性工作来权衡新闻主题一样. 这里的回答反映了专家的知识和解释,不应该被认为是大学在这个问题上的立场. All publication content is subject to edits for clarity, brevity and university style guidelines.