发表: 11月. 27, 2023 By

加拿大和夏威夷发生了无情的野火. 利比亚发生特大洪水. 酷暑席卷全球. 这些气候灾难, 哪一次是每十年或更长时间发生一次, 这一切都发生在2023年. 随着地球变暖, 极端天气事件,如热浪, 飓风, droughts and floods are undeniably becoming more frequent and intense, 说 佩德罗DiNezio, an associate professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic 科学s at CU Boulder.  

在联合国气候变化大会前夕, 警察28, 该项目将于本月晚些时候在迪拜启动, DiNezio spoke with CU Boulder today about weather extremes becoming the new normal and what can be done to mitigate future climate disasters.



Were there a lot of extreme weather events that happened in 2023?

哦,天哪. There were so many, and many have been predicted for decades by scientists. 

我认为这是最重要的一点, 预测了多年的是什么, 是去年夏天的热浪吗. Summer used to be a season that we would all wait for excitedly. But summers are now hellish, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. This past summer, we had so many heat waves here in North America, as well as in Europe and Asia.  We also have had really warm temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere since June. It was their winter, but the temperatures in countries like Brazil reached 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Then we had Hurricane Danielle in the Mediterranean that flooded Libya and overwhelmed dams. What this is showing us is that an extreme event that goes above what's normal can destroy our infrastructure in extremely destructive ways. We saw that in Libya, but also New York City a few months ago when heavy rainfall drenched the city. 

为什么博彩平台推荐看到越来越多的极端天气事件? 气候变化起什么作用? 

热浪是气候系统中的正常现象. 但是如果气候已经变暖了, then an event that would happen once every 50 years in the past is happening once every five years because of that extra warmth. That’s why climate change is making heat waves more frequent and intense. 

Also, as the climate warms, Earth’s atmosphere can hold more water vapor. 当暴风雨来临时, 所有的水蒸气都会变成降雨, 导致更高的降雨率和更长时间的风暴. 

In terms of wildfires, the atmosphere gets thirsty as it warms up due to well-know physics. The atmosphere quenches this thirst by extracting water from soil and plants. 当它们干涸时,它们更容易着火.

科学家们表示,2023年有望成为全球最 有史以来最热的一年. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 政府, the 最温暖的10年 在历史记录中都发生在2010年以后. 明年会是最热的一年吗?

现在博彩平台推荐正处于El Niño事件的中心, which is a warming of the ocean surface as a part of the natural climate fluctuations. 当全球变暖和厄尔尼诺Niño合谋时, 这就是今年夏天发生的事情吗, 博彩平台推荐可以有这些极高的温度.

Next summer, we are anticipating a La Niña event, where the ocean surface cools. 它将在一定程度上扭转这些变暖效应. 很明显, 它不会逆转全球变暖, but next year’s heat waves would be less intense than this year’s. 


El Niño will continue through next spring in the Northern Hemisphere. 比如东南亚地区, we should expect massive heat waves before the onset of the monsoon rains in spring.

In addition, as we enter La Niña next summer, we may see droughts in some areas. Combined with global warming, these droughts could be very intense. 在像美国东南部这样的地方.S. and South America, where I'm from, there has been a prolonged drought over the last 20 or 30 years. 每一次La Niña事件都会加剧干旱.

在东非, 特别是在埃塞俄比亚和索马里这样的国家, 饱受战争和饥荒蹂躏的国家, 今年博彩平台推荐看到了极端降雨. 明年,天气又将转为干旱. 

The good news is we can actually predict these events quite well. That gives us a lot of opportunities to prepare for these disasters, 减轻一些干扰和痛苦. 但更重要的是, we can take advantage of these inevitable natural swings to build resilience and international cooperation to adapt to climate change.

Have the recent, extreme weather events influenced the public’s perception of climate change?

就气候而言,这是一个充满挑战的时期. We’ve been experiencing a roller coaster of La Niña, El Niño and La Niña. Earlier last year, we were just coming out of a La Niña, and then we went right into an El Niño. These swings in climate patterns are putting tremendous stress on our society. 

在某种程度上, we no longer have to try really hard to convince people that the climate is changing, which was what I had to do when I started my PhD less than two decades ago. 现在每个人都能看到了. 每个人都经历过. 


我是一个非常乐观的人. 工业化取得了巨大进步, but this is an opportunity to rethink how we relate to nature and learn that we depend on nature to maintain our society and civilization.  We're entering a new phase in the climate crisis where we need to communicate more about the tools we have to address it. 博彩平台推荐需要告诉人们, 尤其是年轻一代, 未来会更美好, 因为博彩平台推荐正在改善与自然的关系, and we are developing better technologies to produce the energy we need. 

Scientists have been predicting climate change is going to happen for decades. 现在是行动的时候了, 博彩平台推荐应该以公正的方式行事, 公平, 包容, 包括地球上的每一个人.