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How AI could bring a scientific renaissance: The SOS+CD lab

The Science of Science and Computational Discovery (SOS+CD) lab 重点关注人工智能和计算方法的创新应用,以推进科学研究和发现. 

When we think of scientific research, said Daniel Acuna, the head of the SOS+CD lab, "it can be hard to remember that scientists are people too."

The science of science, he explained, 试图揭示谁能做出科学发现的复杂性和不完美, 这些发现是什么,这些发现是如何被认可和放大的. Computational discovery, on the other hand, 旨在帮助科学家通过人工智能和其他计算方法发现新知识. 

从检测研究论文中的篡改图像到提高人工智能系统的信息检索和公平性, SOS+CD实验室的每一位成员都致力于解决科学研究中的复杂问题. 


Tyler Gorman (Second Year, MS, Computer Science)

泰勒·戈尔曼(Tyler Gorman)正在研究是否可以使用人工智能检测数字改变的图像. 这是有价值的,因为发布的压力会导致人们编辑图像, which can have large real-world consequences, such as the case of potentially doctored Alzheimer's research stretching across two decades. 


"At the end of the day, 你不可能浏览成千上万的文件. 但博彩平台推荐可以把这个工具应用到研究论文中,看看是否有一部分被ps过。.

When asked what he sees as the common thread of the lab, Gorman said, “博彩平台推荐都试图拿起锤子和显微镜,观察科学的不同部分."


“每个人都有自己的专长,没有人聪明到什么都懂. If they were, you wouldn't need grad school," Gorman said. 

Carolina Chavez-Ruelas (First Year, PhD, Computer Science)

卡罗莱纳·查韦斯-鲁埃拉斯正在进行一个项目,研究学术教师的社会经济地位是否会影响他们的研究兴趣. 她的顾问是Acuna和计算机科学教授Aaron Clauset, who also investigates the science of science. 


“我认为这个实验室是博彩app推荐如何将这些工具用于一般的科学, 无论是发现未被探索的空白,还是帮助研究人员更好地执行和自动化繁琐的任务," she said.  


She also acknowledges that the process of getting a PhD is complex.

 "I think I was a bit lost when I first started my PhD, 我感到非常幸运,丹尼尔和亚伦都是我的顾问. It's been nice to have that guidance," she said.

Pawin Taechoyotin (Second Year, MS, Computer Science)

Pawin Taechoyotin正在从事几个与表征学习相关的项目, 一种机器学习技术,将复杂的数据分解成更简单的表示,以便更容易地看到它与其他数据的关系. 


“目前人工智能的一个局限是,它无法学习超出给定数据的东西, but if we could apply the way that humans learn back to the AI, we could potentially have AI that can identify or create new concepts," Taechoyotin said. 

Among other projects, Taechoyotin正致力于研究论文图像和文本的表示学习. 他的目标是使研究人员能够检索到与他们自己相似的论文, but not the same, in the hopes of sparking creative thinking. 

Taechoyotin说,他喜欢实验室带来的协作空间, 说你从来没有真正在学术界独自工作过,因为它限制了你的想法. 

"Also, humans are social animals, we need to talk to one another. You cannot help humanity if you can't communicate your work." 

Shubham Sati (Second Year, MS, Computer Science)

Shubham Sati正在为研究论文的引用建立一个推荐系统. 


"Let's say you write a sentence and you know you read it somewhere but you're not able to cite it properly; you can't remember where you read it,” Sati said. “把这句话输入我的系统,它就会给你推荐引用." 

This work can help ensure people don't plagiarize unintentionally, 并且可以帮助发现类似的科学文献,从而改进他们的工作.


Sati plans to continue working on systems engineering, 与计算机科学教授Shivakant Mishra合作,通过利用边缘计算系统的共享内存通道来减少数据库中的数据重复量. 


Meysam Varasteh (First Year, PhD, Computer Science)

Meysam Varasteh正在研究推荐系统对女性和黑人的公平性. 他和Acuna以及信息科学系主席罗宾·伯克教授一起工作. 

"I think society in general isn't always fair, and I think that I cannot change the world, but maybe I can change the AI that people use every day, like Netflix, YouTube, Google, and other applications," Varasteh said. 

所有这些应用程序和许多其他应用程序都使用所谓的推荐系统, 谁根据你之前看过的内容推荐你接下来可能想看的, and they can easily be biased. 

During his master's degree, Varasteh read a research paper every day, and he said it helped him greatly. 他在阅读了伯克博彩app推荐推荐系统的一篇论文后受到启发,开始进行这项研究. He said he also deeply appreciates Acuna's guidance. 

"He's a really supportive advisor," Varasteh said.

Varasteh, like Chavez-Ruelas, 他说,他认为你必须致力于研究才能发现博士学位是有用的.