发表: 2024年3月11日

登山鞋Warm weather and spring storms can cause hiking trails to become waterlogged and 泥泞的... 就像, 真的 泥泞的. This time of year is often considered to be ‘mud season’ as conditions usually persist from late March through May. 

If you plan to hit the trails this spring, here are a few tips and recommendations to follow. 

1. 选择正确的路线 

出发前,花点时间做些调查. Here are some things to consider when looking for a good spring hiking trail: 

  • Review weather conditions to plan around recent storms or potential flooding. 
  • 查看一些网站上的评论来检查步道状况 All小径
  • Call ahead if you plan to visit a national park to ask rangers about trail closures and conditions. 
  • Look for south-facing trails, which are sunnier and typically maintain drier conditions.  
  • 选择一条不像夏天那样具有挑战性的小路. Take steepness, length, elevation gain and overall accessibility into account. 
  • Avoid higher terrain, as trails at higher elevations take longer to thaw and dry out. 
  • 如果你不确定在泥泞的环境中徒步旅行, opt for a paved trail like those found at Garden of the Gods or Fountain Valley Trail in Roxborough State Park. 

如果你需要帮助寻找线索,可以 探险资源中心 图书馆是一个很好的开始. 他们有旅游指南和参考书来帮助你计划下一次旅行. Books range from flyfishing and river guides to the best local hiking and mountain biking trails. 你可以把这些书中的任何一本书带回家或在你的旅行中.

2. 带上合适的装备 

湿脚徒步旅行会让人感到不舒服和痛苦. Here are some gear options you may want to consider bringing with you on potentially 泥泞的 or wet hikes: 

  • 登山鞋: We recommend skipping your usual tennis shoes or sneakers when it comes to spring hiking. 而不是, it’s usually best to opt for a waterproof hiking boot that is about six to eight inches tall. 记住,即使是防水的靴子也不能保证脚干. 
  • 鞋罩: For additional protection against snow, water and mud, consider using a pair of gaiters. Gaiters slide over your boots or shoes to help give you an extra layer of protection against wet conditions. 它们有各种各样的大小,可以用于许多活动, 包括徒步旅行, 登山和越野跑.  
  • 袜子: Socks that are made from fabrics like nylon and merino wool allow your feet to breathe and wick away moisture, 在潮湿的条件下,哪一种特别有用. We also recommend bringing a spare set of socks (and shoes) that you can change into after you’ve finished your hike. This will ensure that your feet don’t remain soggy all day, even if they get wet. 
  • 胶袋: 如果你没有一双防水的靴子衬垫, 你可以在脚上套上塑料袋,然后再穿上靴子. This provides a bit of extra protection against wet socks and feet while hiking. 在开车回家的路上,随身带着塑料袋也很不错. 远足结束后,换上一双新的袜子和鞋子. Then, you can place your wet, 泥泞的 boots into a plastic bag for the trip home. 这样你就不会把车弄脏了. 
  • 登山杖: While 登山杖 aren’t necessary, they can provide extra stability and peace of mind. 他们也很适合摆脱棘手的情况. 例如, 如果你不小心踏入泥泞的沼泽, 把脚抽出来是很困难的, 尤其是当你站得太久的时候. 如果发生这种情况,用你的登山杖帮助你把自己拉出来. 
  • Microspikes: 如果你认为你可能会遇到冰或雪, 考虑带上微型钉鞋,在光滑的路面上给你额外的牵引力.  
  • 层: 天气瞬息万变,尤其是在科罗拉多州. 计划在春季远足时多穿几层. This will give you the flexibility to bundle up when it’s cold or snowy and dress down if it gets hot. 


If your boots become caked in mud, it can impact their durability and ability to repel water. Here are a few steps you can take to keep your hiking boots in good condition after a 泥泞的 hike. 

  1. 不要等着洗你的脏靴子. 这可能会造成损害并导致霉菌. 

  1. 用清水冲洗你的靴子,去掉大部分的泥. 一定要避免让他们完全沉浸其中. 

  1. Lightly scrub your boots with a bristled brush (old toothbrushes work great). 

  1. 如有需要,请取出鞋带单独清洗. This will help you get better access to the parts of your boot that may be hidden under the laces. 

  1. 如果你的靴子里面湿了, 用干抹布或毛巾填满, 报纸, 用旧t恤或纸巾擦干. 

  1. 让你的靴子自然晾干. 避免使用热量来加速这一过程.e., 不要把它们放在烘干机里或热源旁边, 因为这会损坏鞋子或导致靴子缩水). 

  1. 根据需要重新防水. 如果你的靴子已经含有防水材料,比如Gore-Tex, 你不需要打防水材料. 然而, 如果你的靴子旧了,或者防水屏障已经磨损了, 你可以使用防水产品来提高它们的驱避性.  

3. 早点出门 

随着白天气温的升高,冰雪很快就会变成泥浆. That’s why it’s usually best to go hiking in the morning when the ground is still frozen. 如果你等得太久,你可能会发现小路的情况已经恶化了. Heading out early can also help you avoid crowds, which can make maneuvering the mud extra difficult.  

4. 尊重轨迹 

大批徒步旅行者开始走上小径, 重要的是要意识到你如何和在哪里徒步旅行, 因为磨损有时会造成无法弥补的损害. If you notice a trail is 泥泞的 or wet, use these guidelines to help minimize damage: 

  • 跟随封闭的步道: 是的, 当你计划完成的步道被关闭时,这是令人恼火的, 但是遵循闭包仍然很重要, 通知和其他张贴的信息. 小径 can close for many reasons, including damage, flooding or dangerous conditions. That’s why it’s usually best to check conditions in advance and have a backup plan just in case. 
  • 保持跟踪: 事实是, 如果小路泥泞, 你应该欣然接受它,避免试图绕过潮湿的地方. 这会导致腐蚀, 影响生态系统,造成破坏, 尤其是如果很多人都走了岔路. 相反,试着把小路弄得更深,而不是更宽. This means you should be walking in the middle of the trail, even when it’s wet or 泥泞的. 
  • 利用自然特征: If a trail has stepping stones, logs, boardwalks or other features, use them. 这些可以帮助保护小径,使其更容易通行. 只是要记住慢慢来,以防这些特征可能被雪覆盖, 冰或水, 这会减少牵引力. 


If you’re looking for more information about hiking trails or want help preparing for your next trip, 有各种各样的可用资源. 


户外活动提供各种各样的徒步旅行和背包旅行课程. Take advantage of these great trips that will prepare you for your own hikes and adventures around Colorado. 由于名额有限,建议尽早报名.  



户外活动租赁各种徒步旅行设备, 包括登山靴, microspikes, 登山杖, 背包和前灯. . 



Plan your next adventure with the assistance of the 探险资源中心 (ARC). The resource center is a welcoming space where you can hang out and thumb through aaden vast library of guidebooks. 



Take advantage of Outdoor Pursuits workshops to enhance your outdoor skills such as wilderness survival, 野外做饭, 导航和本地植物鉴定. 



The Wilderness First Responder class and certification provides you with the tools to make critical medical and evacuation decisions in remote settings and may be valuable should you choose to embark on a backcountry adventure this spring. 


博尔德县的开放空间公园 & 小径

Find a complete list of trails and open space properties in Boulder County including information on if dogs or bikes are allowed on the trail. 



Medical Services’ physical therapists can help evaluate injuries and help you get back on the trails in no time. 


The RICC is open to all members and guest pass holders at the main campus Rec Center. 他们有两名运动教练,可以提供伤病护理, 预防保健, 专业款, 性能和恢复策略等等. 


这个中心, 位于福尔松油田附近, 提供运动医学, 物理治疗和表演服务.