Published: May 14, 2024

People camping

Camping is a quintessential Colorado activity. 如果你正在计划一次夏季旅行,这里有一些必须知道的小贴士. 

1. Choosing a campsite 

Spur of the moment camping trips can be fun, but if you’re new to camping it’s usually better to plan ahead. Here are some things to consider when choosing a campsite. 

Make a reservation. 许多露营地都需要预订,而且名额很快就会被填满. 这意味着你可能需要提前计划好你的旅行,才能抢到一个位置. 花点时间研究一下你想去的地方,熟悉一下预订流程. 您可以通过像 Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Colorado Parks and Wildlife or the federal recreation site

Know the rules. 在预订旅行之前,查看特定地点的规则和要求是很重要的. For instance, 露营地可能会限制你可以拥有的汽车数量, prohibit dogs or have fire bans in place. 这意味着你可能需要安排一辆拼车,把你的宠物留在家里,或者不吃s 'mores. 了解(并遵守)规则可以帮助你避免意外的引用和罚款. 

Check the amenities. Not all campsites are created equal, 所以,在预订旅行之前,了解你要去的地方是很重要的. 以下是一些用来描述不同类型露营地设施的常用术语: 

  • Full hookup or electric: These sites are typically reserved for RVs only. 这是因为它们通常配备了电力、污水管道和铺砌的道路. They may also include amenities like picnic tables, potable water, trash receptacles, supply shops and more. Full hookup campgrounds can usually be accessed on paved roads. 
  • Basic: These sites can accommodate tents and car campers. They typically have amenities like picnic tables, trash receptacles, potable water, bathrooms, grills and fire rings. 这些露营地通常通过部分铺砌和未铺砌的道路进入. 这些露营地可能还会配备防熊储物柜(提前打电话确认一下)。. 
  • Dispersed or primitive: These sites are ‘bare bones.’ They have few, if any, amenities. 在许多情况下,通往这些营地的道路没有铺设或维护, 所以通常最好有一辆全轮或四轮驱动的高净空车辆. They may also require walking, 所以准备好携带你所有的装备到几百英尺或码的地方. If you stay at a primitive site, you’ll likely need to collect and carry out your own trash, 打包饮用水,使用地下厕所(有些可能根本不提供厕所). 分散的营地也可以很快填满,而且没有预订系统, so plan on arriving early and have a backup plan in place. 

请记住,这个列表提供了可能的便利和条件的总体概述. However, you will need to review the specifics of individual campsites, as they may vary depending on location. 

2. Packing your bags 



  • Tent (with footprint and stakes)* 
  • Sleeping bag* 
  • Sleeping pad* 
  • Pillow 
  • Camp chairs* 
  • Lantern, headlamp 
  • Mallet, hammer (for stakes) 
  • Local firewood (outside firewood may be prohibited)


  • Camp stove, fuel* 
  • 引火器、火柴、打火机(事先查看使用限制) 
  • Pots, pans* 
  • Sharp cutting knife 
  • Utensils (cooking and eating) 
  • Plates, bowls, mugs, cups 
  • Cooler* 
  • Water bottles 
  • Camp sink, biodegradable soap 
  • Dish towel 
  • Trash, recycle bags 
  • Water jug 
  • Cutting board 
  • Food, drinks, snacks 


  • Quick-drying pants, shorts* 
  • Quick-drying tees, long sleeves 
  • Warm layer (e.g., sweater, sweatshirt, etc.) 
  • Rain jacket* 
  • Windbreaker 
  • Extra socks, underwear 
  • Gloves 
  • Sleepwear 
  • Sturdy shoes (e.g., boots, sneakers) 
  • Water sandals, swimsuit 
  • Hat, sunglasses 

Personal care

  • Toilet paper, wipes 
  • Hand sanitizer 
  • Trowel (primitive camping) 
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste 
  • Toiletry kit 
  • Quick-dry towel 
  • Medications 
  • First aid kit 
  • Sunscreen 
  • Insect repellent 


  • Camp reservation (if needed) 
  • Power bank 
  • Cellphone, electronics 
  • Pet gear, supplies 
  • Entertainment (e.g., books, games, etc.) 
  • Binoculars 
  • Navigation tools 
  • Field guides (e.g., flowers, insects, trails, etc.) 
  • ID, wallet 
  • Bear cannister* 
  • Trekking poles* 
  • Backpack*

* These items can be rented from Outdoor Pursuits at the Rec Center.

* These items can be rented from Outdoor Pursuits at the Rec Center.

3. Planning your meals 

饮食计划可能会很有压力,尤其是当你在森林里的时候. 如果你担心创建一个露营菜单或为你的旅行打包食物, here are some tips to help make it easier. 

Keep it simple. 让你的菜单简单一些,只准备一些简单的食物. 燕麦片、三明治和其他基本主食压力小,制作简单. 

Be mindful of perishables. 如果你打算带易腐烂的食物,比如午餐肉、鸡蛋或热狗,计划好让它们保持低温. 你需要一个冰的冷却器,通常最好提前冷冻食物. You can always thaw them once you’re ready to cook. 将易腐烂的食物与饮料分开存放也是一个好主意,以避免交叉污染.   

Don’t forget the little things. 露营并不意味着你的食物就必须平淡无奇. 计划打包香料、调味料和调味品,作为你用餐计划的一部分. If you’re worried about keeping condiments cold, consider buying single serving packets of mustard, ketchup or mayo. 

Use prepackaged options. 随身携带冷藏箱是件很辛苦的工作,尤其是如果你要去一个没有电梯的露营地. If you want to lighten your load and don’t mind splurging a bit, you may want to consider bringing prepackaged, freeze-dried options. 这些餐包很轻,可以用热水准备. 

Keep bears at bay. Black bears are common in Colorado. 你可以用防熊的食物容器来帮助它们, keeping your campsite clean, not eating in your tent, clearing food out of your car, locking your car doors and stashing your trash. 记住,熊也可能会被其他有香味的产品吸引,比如洗漱用品和防晒霜. 

4. Being good a steward 

露营有各种各样的规定和其他潜规则. 这里有几件事要记住,以确保你在享受户外活动的同时成为一个好管家. 

  • Use established campsites. 
  • 避免破坏自然景观或将自然纪念品带回家. 
  • 使用可生物降解的肥皂,并在离天然水源至少200英尺的地方处理废水. 
  • Don’t burn or bury your trash. 
  • 提前检查防火禁令并遵守所有限制和规定. If fires are allowed, 在放弃篝火之前,一定要确保煤和灰烬冷却,适当地熄灭篝火. 
  • 把人类排泄物埋在远离天然水源的地方,埋在一个至少4到8英寸深的洞里(不要埋卫生纸)。. 
  • 清理你的营地,扔掉垃圾,把所有东西放回你找到的地方. 
  • Respect your neighbors by observing quiet hours, 小声点,别从别人的营地插队.  
  • Avoid camping right next to other people. 
  • 避免擅自进入私人土地,应遵守指定的路线. 
  • Do not approach or feed wildlife. 


Outdoor equipment rentals

户外活动提供户外设备租赁活动,如露营, hiking, climbing and water sports. Equipment rentals are available for all students, staff and faculty (no Rec Center membership required).

Adventure Resource Center

在娱乐中心一楼的探险资源中心稍作停留,探索旅游指南, resources, atlases and wall-sized maps of Colorado areas.

Apothecary Pharmacy

需要储备防晒霜、芦荟、杀虫剂、过敏药物或其他必需品? 到瓦尔登堡健康中心的药剂师药房购买非处方药.

Medical Services

Sometimes, accidents happen. If you get injured or sick while camping, you can make an appointment with Medical Services on campus.