Published: Sept. 26, 2024 By ,

科罗拉多州在量子革命中迅速发展的作用成为人们关注的焦点.S. 商务副部长唐·格雷夫斯对博彩平台推荐和JILA进行了正式博彩平台推荐, 博彩平台推荐和国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)的联合研究所.

The Sept. 16日的博彩平台推荐强调了联邦政府在量子技术和劳动力发展方面持续投资的至关重要性. 格雷夫斯与重点大学和行业领袖一起讨论了该州量子科学和创新的未来.

Graves, who has extensive experience in fostering economic development, 强调了商务部支持量子计算等先进技术的承诺.

Justin Schwartz, Don Graves and Massimo Ruzzene

Left to right: Chancellor Justin Schwartz, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves and Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation Massimo Ruzzene

“这些课程(量子锻造)与上一代的课程大不相同,” Graves said. “这些项目的灵活性将使博彩平台推荐能够避免孤立的成功之路.”

大学和行业领袖与格雷夫斯一起概述了该州在建设量子劳动力方面所做的努力, including CU Boulder Chancellor Justin Schwartz; Jason Boehm, NIST’s chief of staff; Corey Stambaugh, NIST’s chief of staff for the Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML); Massimo Ruzzene, CU Boulder’s vice chancellor for Research and Innovation and dean of the institutes; and other representatives from CU Boulder and the wider Colorado quantum community.

“像JILA这样的地方需要一种具体的技术技能,” said Scott Davis, CEO and co-founder of Vescent, a Colorado quantum company with roots at CU Boulder and JILA. “所以JILA的乐器店是JILA如此特别的原因之一, as it translates directly into jobs.”

The discussion also featured Heather Lewandowski, CUbit教育与劳动力学院主任,JILA研究员, 谁分享了博彩平台推荐在培养学生量子知识和技能方面取得的进展.

“每个人都认为你需要博彩app推荐量子概念和算法的深刻量子知识,” Lewandowski said. “但所需的技能可以转移到其他行业. So, 即使你可能对量子产业感兴趣, the skills you need are what higher education is about. We're not about job training for a particular degree. We're about training folks for a career. And that career will change throughout different types of jobs.”

除了劳动力计划,对话还涉及与行业的合作关系. Mike Bennett, director of education and workforce development at Q-SEnSE, an NSF-funded Quantum Leap Challenge Institute, presented Quantum Forge, 该项目旨在通过将学生与领先的量子公司联系起来,为他们创造机会.

Don Graves visits Eric Cornell and researchers in his lab

JILA和NIST研究员,科罗拉多大学博尔德教授和诺贝尔奖获得者埃里克康奈尔博彩平台推荐美国.S. 商务部副部长唐·格雷夫斯和JILA的其他成员在实验室.

贝内特说:“更多的学生想直接进入工业界. “They don't want a PhD. 他们不想花10年的时间去获得一个更高的学位,然后再去做事情. So, Quantum Forge is designed for that, 让有兴趣的学生进入这个行业, and who are interested in quantum.”

博彩平台推荐的学生James Legendre也谈到了像Quantum Forge这样的项目的重要性,它可以让学生在大学期间获得行业经验.

“科罗拉多大学为那些想教书或读研究生的物理学家提供了机会, and that was it when I started,” Legendre said. “然后我发现了量子锻造厂,我想,这正是我想要的. 我喜欢教书,但还不足以做一辈子,读研也是如此. (量子锻造)项目就像是,‘嘿,博彩平台推荐将教你如何参与工业.’ I'm so happy that it's here. I'm excited to be a part of it this year.”

The visit concluded with a tour of Eric Cornell’s lab, 格雷夫斯在那里看到了JILA的一些世界级量子研究. Cornell, a Nobel laureate, JILA and NIST Fellow, and CU Boulder physics professor, 展示了在量子传感和量子计算等领域开创性工作的正在进行的项目.

格雷夫斯的博彩平台推荐凸显了联邦政府的支持在维持美国军事行动中所起的关键作用.S. leadership in quantum science and technology. The Department of Commerce, through NIST and other agencies, 继续在推动研究和创造创新蓬勃发展的环境方面发挥关键作用.

Colorado as a quantum leader


随着科罗拉多州继续成为量子研究和创新的中心, partnerships between government, 学术界和工业界将在塑造这种变革性技术的未来方面发挥至关重要的作用. 格雷夫斯的来访提醒了人们量子科学的巨大潜力, 无论是技术突破还是经济影响, 教育和劳动力发展将在实现这一潜力方面发挥至关重要的作用.