发表: 11月. 20, 2023 By

全世界都在努力适应全球变暖, Indigenous Peoples are experiencing unique climate-related challenges exacerbated by centuries of having their land overtaken by settlers and governments.  

在美国.S., 大多数土著部落迁移到该国最贫瘠的土地上, which have limited resources and infrastructure to buffer the impacts of climate change. 在西南部, 例如, the Navajo Nation faces a severe water shortage as prolonged drought intensified by climate change further limits access to clean water. 在俄克拉荷马州, 切罗基人的传家宝作物越来越难种植, 威胁他们的粮食安全和文化遗产.    

“随着气候的变化, we find ourselves in a situation where we have limited adaptation tools and resources given the small, 博彩平台推荐有零星的土地,” 克林特·卡罗尔, an associate professor in the Department of Ethnic Studies and a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

随着联合国气候变化大会(COP 28) 11月11日的临近. 30, 今天的科罗拉多大学 spoke with Carroll about why it’s critical for Indigenous Peoples to have a voice in climate action planning—and how Indigenous knowledge can provide solutions.




在过去的几个世纪里,欧洲定居者和后来的美国殖民者.S. government forcibly removed Native Americans from their homelands and pushed them onto smaller, 种族隔离的土地. 正因为如此, Native Peoples now find themselves having to adapt to their environments and a changing climate with very limited resources and constricted mobility. 

切罗基族, 例如, lost access to about one-third of plants that we use for medicine when the tribe was forcibly relocated from the southeastern U.S. 到19世纪的俄克拉何马州. 博彩平台推荐现在拥有的土地更小,更分散. The tribal lands today are not bounded by ecological boundaries like mountains or rivers but by socially constructed political boundaries and human activities such as the clear-cutting of forests and imposition of private property.

随着气候的变化, 博彩平台推荐现在赖以生存的植物可能会改变栖息地,甚至死亡, 而属性边界保持不变. 在博彩平台推荐的领土范围内,博彩平台推荐的适应能力是有限的.


Sometimes the only story that people hear about Native people is a litany of tragedies. 但面对挑战,当地人不会只是坐着不做任何事情. 作为一个国家, we are working hard to conserve the territories that we have to preserve our culture and traditional knowledge. 两者都与土地和自然紧密相连.

除了, we are navigating the political system in a bid to open up access to other places that could help our communities adapt to the effects of climate change. A project I’ve been working on is to initiate and maintain collaborative agreements with entities like the National Park Service, which will allow Cherokee people to gather plants within the Buffalo National River region in Arkansas.   


是也不是. Indigenous knowledge is often tied to a specific place that has a specific set of ecological conditions and specific animals and plants. 因此,这些知识可能不会被广泛采用.

But I think many ethical principles Indigenous Peoples take when thinking about our relationship to the non-human world are very valuable. 很难概括土著伦理, but many communities share this overarching understanding that Earth is alive and that it has rights. 

A somewhat common principle among Indigenous tribes is “don’t take more than you need.听起来很简单, 就像博彩平台推荐告诉孩子的那样, but it still needs to be said when it comes to extractive activities that are happening across the world. 

I think a good place for people who aren’t Indigenous to start is to try to understand what it means to be in a good relationship with the land and that we have an obligation to it.  


许多人以一种浪漫的方式看待博彩平台推荐与这片土地的联系, 描绘了波卡洪塔斯与鸟和浣熊交谈的刻板形象, 这并不准确. 博彩平台推荐需要通过土著法律的视角来看待这种关系. 

Indigenous communities relate to the land in a way that their legal framework defines obligations and responsibilities to animals and plants that share the land, 还有土地本身. 切诺基族制度就是一个例子, 上面说动物可以教给切罗基人一些东西. Through that, people of those respective clans had obligations to uphold those beings.

The ethical principles of those forms of governance can offer something that's better for the planet than dominant forms of political organization, some of which aren't focused on the importance of relationships between human beings and where they live, 以及生活在那里的其他动物. 


One of the most important things would be actively listening to Indigenous Peoples and understanding what Indigenous Peoples are saying. 一次又一次, 博彩平台推荐看到缔约方会议这样的会议正在举行, but it’s important to acknowledge that there are a lot of people who aren’t getting in the door of COP, 他们的声音没有被听到. 

土著人可以教给世界一些东西. So, listening and understanding in a way that centers Indigenous voices is absolutely important.