Published: Sept. 19, 2024 By

For many people, constant pings, buzzes and flashes on their phones, computers and other devices are just a normal part of working life—which, thanks to technology, extends to all hours.

Jason Thatcher

Jason Thatcher

大量的研究分析了工作场所科技带来的超负荷和压力的影响, yet there have been no effective solutions, said Jason Thatcher, professor of organizational leadership and information analytics at the Leeds School of Business.

博彩平台推荐使用的技术使人们能够在不同的时间和空间与博彩平台推荐联系. 它可能会增加博彩平台推荐的焦虑,让博彩平台推荐感到被侵犯,等等。”撒切尔说. “博彩平台推荐感到压力很大的原因是博彩平台推荐没有以正确的方式思考问题. 博彩平台推荐必须考虑到一系列的压力因素共同作用,让你感到精疲力竭.”

Thatcher co-authored a recent study该研究于2024年6月发表在《博彩平台推荐》(MIS Quarterly)上,研究了数字压力是如何复合和升级的. It asserts there is no one approach to counteracting different “technostressors”; rather it requires a comprehensive strategy on the part of employers and, specifically, direct managers.

According to the study’s co-authors, who also include Katharina Pflügner, Christian Maier, Jens Mattke and Tim Weitzel, all of the University of Bamberg in Germany, 以下是数字压力导致员工精疲力竭、扰乱工作流程的五种方式, mental health and productivity:

  • Techno-overload. 已经在处理过度工作量和紧迫的截止日期的员工会因为不断的电子邮件而感到压力加大, notifications and alerts.
  • Techno-invasion. Employees feel pressure to remain constantly connected via their phones, computers and other devices, which prevents them from detaching from work.
  • Techno-complexity. 在工作中难以掌握软件和信息系统使员工感到不足和压力.
  • Techno-insecurity. 这种压力来自于员工担心他们的工作将被裁员,或者他们将被拥有更好技术技能的同事取代.
  • Techno-uncertainty. 技术进步带来的不断变化意味着员工要不断适应新的系统和工具.

These digital stressors don’t occur in isolation, according to the researchers, which necessitates a multifaceted approach. 撒切尔说:“要解决这个问题,你不能只解决负担过重和入侵问题. “You have to be more strategic.”

“Let’s say I’m a manager, 我实行一项政策,周末不发邮件,因为每个人都压力很大,” Thatcher said. “But everyone stays stressed out. 这是因为我可能已经摆脱了技术入侵——那种工作侵入我生活的感觉——但在周一, when I open my email, I still feel really overloaded because there are 400 emails.”

对于管理者来说,评估影响员工的各种数字压力源,然后将其作为一个组合加以针对,这一点至关重要, according to the researchers. 撒切尔说,这意味着要解决上述问题,“你不能只解决入侵问题. You can't just address overload. You have to address them together,” he said.

Empowering employees 

So how would the manager fix the above problem? 

“Maybe they would talk to the person rather than saying, ‘Don't look at your email on the weekend’ to the team. The manager might say, “让博彩平台推荐来学习一下时间管理,这样你就可以在周六花一个小时看邮件了, so that on Monday you don't feel overwhelmed.’”

根据这项研究,管理者的另一个工具是赋予员工权力. “As a manager, it may feel really dangerous to say, ‘You can structure when and where and how you do work.“但你会发现,大多数人实际上并没有改变他们正在做的事情, 但他们会感觉更好,因为他们觉得自己掌控了自己的工作,” Thatcher said.

管理人员还应该认识到,引入新技术可能会产生意想不到的问题, he added.

A new communication platform may make some things easier for employees, for example, 但这会增加他们的负担感,因为他们要处理的事情太多了,” Thatcher said. 

“So you have to look at these technologies as bundles. A tool may be designed to help the company address one problem, but think about the other unintended problems you might be creating. 给员工工具和自由,让他们知道如何管理自己。.

Other ways managers can address digital stressors include:

  • Assessments. Conducting regular assessments such as surveys, 与员工对话和分析数字通信模式可以帮助管理者识别和理解影响员工的具体数字压力源.
  • Policies. 通过制定政策或明确下班后沟通的界限来限制数字压力源的影响, for example.
  • Training. 培训可以帮助员工提高他们的数字素养技能,管理工作和个人生活之间的界限.
  • Leadership modeling. 呼吁其他管理人员和公司领导示范和支持健康的数字通信做法.
  • Attentiveness. 研究人员表示,数字压力甚至会导致表现出色的员工精疲力竭. 管理者应该意识到倦怠的早期迹象,并考虑定期检查, assessments, 调查和开放的沟通,以识别和解决压力源升级之前.
  • Flexibility. 中层管理人员可能需要更大的灵活性来帮助员工应对数字压力. “你会看到公司开始制定一项政策,要求每个人都必须开着手机,” Thatcher said. “但也许你只是有一个更明智的政策,考虑到各种工作的设计, and you give the unit manager some discretion.”


“正是不同的压力源导致了倦怠和对工作的不满, and if you're only focusing on one, your employees are doomed,” Thatcher said. “But if you focus on the whole person, 整个工作和技术带来的一系列压力——你和你的员工一起寻找管理它们的方法——你会有一个更快乐的工作场所,和表现出色的人在一起, on average, better.”