CU-Boulder graduate programs earn national ranking


Graduate programs at the University of Colorado Boulder continue to earn national prominence based on the latest annual rankings from U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道. CU-Boulder schools and programs garnered 25 mentions in the 2012 edition of Best Graduate Schools, including five ranked in the top 10 of their fields.

Neanderthals were nifty at controlling fire, according to CU-Boulder researcher


A new study involving the University of Colorado Boulder shows clear evidence of the continuous control of fire by Neanderthals in Europe dating back roughly 400,000年, yet another indication that they weren't dimwitted brutes as often portrayed.

Gulf oil spill study sheds light on urban air pollution


When a team of researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 政府 and the University of Colorado Boulder's Cooperative Institute for Research in 环境al 科学s raced to the scene of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill to assess the disaster's impact on air quality last year, they found more than they expected.

Natural variability main culprit of deadly Russian heat wave, study finds


The deadly Russian heat wave of 2010 was due to a natural atmospheric phenomenon often associated with weather extremes, according to a new study by scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 政府 and the University of Colorado Boulder's Cooperative Institute for Research in 环境al 科学s, 或CIRES

Works of Stan Brakhage, film pioneer and longtime CU professor, preserved in new center


Stan Brakhage loved poetry and befriended poets but dubbed himself a failed poet. 许多专家不同意. 他是, 他们说, a consummate poet -- one who spoke in the language of film and measured his meter in frames.

New CU study shows acupressure effective in helping to treat traumatic brain injury

2月. 28, 2011

A new University of Colorado Boulder study indicates an ancient form of complementary medicine may be effective in helping to treat people with mild traumatic brain injury, a finding that may have implications for some U.S. war veterans returning home.

CU's Glenn Miller Archive acquires one of world's best Big Band Era collections

2月. 21, 2011

The Glenn Miller Archive at the University of Colorado Boulder American Music Research Center has acquired one of the world's most significant collections of Big Band Era recordings and memorabilia.

Stresses of unemployed spouse can hurt job performance of other spouse, study finds

2月. 21, 2011

Ignoring the stresses of an unemployed spouse's job search does not bode well for the employed spouse's job productivity or home life, says a University of Colorado Boulder professor.

空间 weather disrupts communications, threatens other technologies on Earth, 博彩平台推荐教授说

2月. 17, 2011

A powerful solar flare has ushered in the largest space weather storm in at least four years and has already disrupted some ground communications on Earth, said University of Colorado Boulder Professor Daniel Baker, an internationally known space weather expert.

Thawing permafrost likely will accelerate global warming in coming decades, says study

2月. 16, 2011

Up to two-thirds of Earth's permafrost likely will disappear by 2200 as a result of warming temperatures, unleashing vast quantities of carbon into the atmosphere, says a new study by the University of Colorado Boulder's Cooperative Institute for Research in 环境al 科学s.
