Students are admitted to the PhD program after having completed an MA degree. 根据学生之前在交流方面的学术工作的程度和他们的进步速度, 该学位可以在三到四年内获得.

According to Graduate School requirements, PhD students must enroll in residence (i.e., as a full-time student) for at least six semesters beyond the BA degree. Two semesters of residence credit may be allowed for an MA degree from a不her institution; however, 至少四个学期的住宿学分, 其中两门必须在一学年内连续完成, 在博彩平台推荐工作的报酬吗. 一个学期的住院医师资格是在秋季或春季学期注册为全日制学生获得的, 或者在两个夏季学期.

全日制博士生必须完成以下学期的课程负担之一:在通过综合考试之前至少完成5个学分的研究生课程, or a minimum of 5 dissertation hours after passing the comprehensive examination. 博士生应在入学后的六年内完成所有学位要求,并开始博士课程的课程学习.

