J. 理查德·史蒂文斯
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education • 副教授
媒体研究 • 学院领导

 军械库203 d

代词: 他/他/他的

系主任副教授 J. 理查德·史蒂文斯 teaches graduate 和 undergraduate courses in new media theory, popular culture 和 digital media skills.

His research delves into the intersection of ideological formation 和 media message dissemination, with studies such as how cultural messages are formed 和 passed through popular culture, how technology infrastructure affects the delivery of media messages, communication technology policy, 和 how media 和 technology platforms are changing American public discourse.

Particular interests include the relationship between technology diffusion patterns 和 American privacy norms, the communication of science in culture through both news 和 popular media, conflicts of cultural values regarding digital texts 和 copyright law, the role of software interface in communicating social norms, 和 the framing of nationalist ideology in comic books 和 children’s cartoons.

He holds a BS in advertising from Abilene Christian University, an MS in digital media for Abilene Christian University 和 a PhD in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin.