
In design, finding creative excellence outside her comfort zone

Before winning a statewide best in show award, Kate Chambers was among the more experienced students in her master’s cohort. Her success, she said, came from professors who pushed her to try new things.


# GreenAds

Advertisers are very good at getting us to buy things. A PhD graduate wants to use the same playbook to encourage more sustainability and less consumption.

Zoey Georgeades(24岁)


Zoey Georgeades has blended her love of music with her love of journalism. 在CMCI, she learned how these two passions influence each other, ultimately making her a better communicator


When it comes to field goals, journalism alum has only one: Get the story right

记者的工作方式正在发生变化, 但准确性的基本支柱, 客观和公正永远不会. It’s why Brent Schrotenboer has been so successful.

Shamika Klassen outside the CASE building on the CU campus.


A PhD graduate’s ethical takes on tech have landed her at Google, where she hopes to shape conversations about shaping the digital world for users.

Alyssa Hill摄


Students across CMCI find ways to bring together their personal interests and academic pursuits. Since the college’s founding, we have showcased this diverse collection of student work.


ImpacTED: How a signature CMCI event creates meaning for careers, community

Strategic communication senior Lillian Wentworth has been part of the team breathing new life into TEDxCU.



Strategic communication students participating in the Bateman Competition this year brought a unique perspective to a challenging assignment.



2024届毕业生:威廉. 白色的获奖者

威廉·W. White Outstanding Seniors are chosen by department faculty to recognize academic merit, professional achievement and service to the college. The Outstanding Graduate award honors the CMCI student with the highest overall GPA in his or her graduating class.

Andrew Schwartz, 威廉·White Spring 2024


Not only has Andrew Schwartz contributed to a collaborative paper investigating online communities, he also developed code for The COVID Tracking Project, 在其他研究机会中.

A portrait of Bianca in front of the library.


A CMCI graduate’s working-class upbringing has given her a unique perspective on tech, 工资盗窃和剥削, which she’s bringing to an Ivy League doctoral program.

Lisa An,杰出的大四学生,DCMP


The outstanding senior in the Department of Critical Media Practices, Lisa said her winding path helped her meet mentors and friends that set her up to succeed.

Sujei珍珠马丁内斯,威廉·White 2024

优秀大四学生:Sujei Perla Martinez

The first in her family to graduate college, Sujei is grateful for the family sacrifices that empowered her success.

Nic Tamayo with a buffalo statue and the Flatirons in the background.


Saying yes to opportunities served Nic well as a student—and will help him in a competitive Fulbright program in France.

以利亚·博伊科夫在凯斯大楼屋顶. A buffalo statue is in the background with moutains in the distance.


Elijah appreciated that his classes sharpened both his social skills and technical expertise.



The 2024届毕业生 overcame unique challenges when they arrived in Boulder. In this issue, we celebrate their successes.