
悲伤包含了博彩平台推荐对失去对博彩平台推荐重要的人或事的所有反应. 悲伤对不同的人有不同的表现, 重要的是要记住,没有一种“正确”的悲伤方式. Whether you or someone you know is grieving, 这里有一些建议可以帮助你驾驭和应对悲伤.

Life events that can trigger grief

有很多事情都能引发悲伤. 有时,损失是具体的,比如当一个心爱的人去世. Other losses may feel more ambiguous, such as when we move to a new place, change majors or break up with someone.


Death and dying


Serious illness


Divorce or separation


Academic challenges

学生可能达不到或达不到他们期望的学业成功水平. This can include things like test scores, GPA, 进入特定学位课程或其他学术里程碑.

Relationship struggles

处理从一般冲突到虐待行为的关系问题. 这也可以包括人际关系的结束, including friendships or romantic partnerships.

Career challenges

学生可能会为失去理想的职业而悲伤, 毕业后找工作的困难,或者与经济安全或债务偿还有关的困难.

What does grief feel like?

悲伤的人可能会经历各种各样的反应和情绪. Feelings of grief can be intense or subtle. 随着时间的推移,悲伤的情绪高涨和消退也是正常的. 以下是人们在悲伤过程中会经历的一些常见症状:

  • Remorse: 一个悲伤的人可能会全神贯注于他们本可以做些什么来防止损失的发生或改变事件的结果.
  • Anger: 个人可能会对自己的处境感到不公平或无能为力, which can lead to feelings of anger or vengeance. 失去也会威胁到博彩平台推荐对自己或周围世界的信念, which can lead to feelings of confusion or regret.
  • Denial/numbness: 有时候,人们需要让自己远离重大的损失或痛苦. 这可以表现为对特定事件或损失的否认或麻木.
  • Feeling down: After a loss, 悲伤的人可能会感到孤独, isolation, sadness or hopelessness. 有些人可能会在失去或对他们曾经喜欢的活动失去兴趣后退出或退出社会团体, especially if they are associated with their loss.
  • Physical symptoms: 情绪压力和悲伤也会导致各种身体症状, including headaches, nausea, stomach pains, changes in appetite, insomnia and other ailments. 

Learn more about symptoms of grief

Supporting someone who is grieving

Grief is often misunderstood, and it can be a tricky subject to approach, especially if someone has experienced a loss. 然而,在这个过程中,博彩平台推荐可以通过一些方法来支持自己和他人.

Ways to take care of yourself while grieving…

  • Take care of your basic needs. Rest, eat well and stay hydrated. 对一些人来说,拥抱身体接触(比如拥抱)作为治疗过程的一部分可能也是有益的. Get more self-care ideas.
  • Take time to grieve. Grief can sneak up on us when we least expect it. Try to dedicate time to grieving. This will give you a structured way to get it out, 在一天中的其他时间享受片刻的宁静.
  • Connect with others. 和那些能让你体验自己感受的人在一起, whether you need to cry, 静静地坐着,或者一遍又一遍地告诉别人你的故事.
  • Channel your feelings. Find an outlet for your feelings. 写日记是一种很好的方式来表达和具体化你内心发生的一切. You may also find talking to be helpful. 找到对你最有效的方法,花时间解决你的感受.
  • Be patient. 你的悲伤可能需要比你或其他人预期的更长的时间来处理. 当你处理自己的感受时,对自己要有耐心,在这个过程中表现出善意. 

Ways to support someone who is grieving…

  • Reach out. 悲伤会让人感到孤立,所以向悲伤的亲人伸出援手是很重要的. 和他们联系,让他们知道你在想着他们.
  • Help out. 通过帮助做家务来提供支持, meals, 计划社交活动或其他可能会让你感到压力的任务.
  • Listen to them. 花点时间倾听你所爱的人,让他们表达自己的情感. Avoid sharing judgment or advice. Instead, try to simply be there for them.
  • Don’t avoid the subject. If someone lost a person they were close to, 不要担心回避这个人的名字或在谈话中提到他们. 记住,失去某人并不意味着他们应该被遗忘.
  • Encourage them to seek support. 如果有人正与悲伤或抑郁情绪作斗争,鼓励他们寻求支持. 校园资源可供学生、教职员工使用.


Student resources

Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)

CAPS offers short-term counseling, consultation services, workshops, 为博彩平台推荐的学生和研究生提供社区转诊和危机支持.

Office of Victim Assistance (OVA)

OVA provides free and confidential information, consultation, support, 为学生提供宣传和短期咨询服务, grad students, faculty and staff who have experienced a traumatic, disturbing or life-disruptive event.

Peer Wellness Coaching

同伴健康指导是一项免费服务,为学生提供帮助他们设定和实现健康目标. 同伴健康教练熟悉各种各样的话题, including stress, relationships, academics, self-care, sleep, finances and more.

Health Promotion

健康促进每周提供免费的自我保健项目, community-building, stress management and more. 主题领域每周变化,活动向所有学生开放.

Staff and faculty resources


Office of Victim Assistance (OVA)

OVA provides free and confidential information, consultation, support, 为学生提供宣传和短期咨询服务, grad students, faculty and staff who have experienced a traumatic, disturbing or life-disruptive event.

Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)


Wellness events

FSAP在整个学期提供各种免费的健康活动,重点是自我保健, community care, personal growth and support.