教授essor • Associate Director for Undergraduate 教育

部门: Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering

教育: B.S., Princeton Univ. (1983), M.S., Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of 技术 (1988, 1992)
教学: CVEN 4424 Environmental Organic Chemistry, CVEN 5404 Water Chemistry, EVEN 1000 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
研究: Contaminant fate and transport in natural waters, surface and colloid chemistry, sources and transport of metals in watersheds affected by acid mine drainage


Honors and Distinctions:

  • “B美国东部时间 of the B美国东部时间 2015”, Environmental Science & 技术 Letters, for “A Framework for Identifying Organic Compounds of Concern in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids Based on Their Mobility and Persistence in Groundwater” by J.D. 罗杰斯,T.L. 伯克,年代.G. 奥斯本和J.N. 2015年瑞安, Environmental Science & 技术 Letters 2(6), 158-164,: 10.1021 / acs.美国东部时间lett.5b00090.
  • Distinguished Service Award, 2012, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science 教授essors.
  • Boulder County Pacesetter Award (Science/Health/Medicine), 2008, Boulder 每日相机
  • National Notable Achievement Award, 2006, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Recent Publications:
** denotes work done in collaboration with graduate students
* denotes work done in collaboration with undergraduate students

  • 米勒K.D.宾利M.J.瑞安·J.N.林登·K.G.拉里森C.B.A.卡茨·L.解析:选A.M.考克斯·J.T.库鲁普P., Van Allsburg K.M.——麦考尔.麦克尼克·J.E.,塔尔梅奇.S.Miara A.,西特利·K.A.埃文斯·A., Thirumaran K., Malhotra M.加西亚·S., Stokes-Draut J.R., and Chellam S., 2021. 矿井用水, 治疗, and reuse in the United States: A look at current industry practices and select case studies. ACS Environmental Science & 技术 Engineering,.org/10.1021 / acs美国东部时间engg.1c00244.
  • DiGiulio D.C.——罗西·R.J.耶格尔·J.M.肖可夫S.B.C., Ryan J。.N., 2021. Vulnerability of groundwater resources underlying unlined produced water ponds in the Tulare Basin of the San Joaquin Valley, 加州. Environmental Science & 技术,: 10.1021 / acs.美国东部时间.1c02056.
  • 马屁精G., Rajaram H.——舍伍德O.A.瑞安·J.N.溴代G.Dilmore R.M., 2021. Public data from three US states provides new insights into well integrity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(14), e2013894118; doi:10.1073 / pnas.2013894118.
  • 斯坦尼什L.F.——舍伍德O.A.,狗狗G.奥斯本S.G.罗伯逊C.E.哈里斯·J.K.佩斯·N., Ryan J。.N., 2020. Microbial and biogeochemical indicators of methane in groundwater aquifers of the Denver Basin, 科罗拉多州. Environmental Science & 技术; doi:10.1021 / acs.美国东部时间.0c04228.
  • 保林B * *.A.瑞安·J.N.泰特·M.T., Krabbenhoft D.P.海因斯·M.E., Barkay T.[J].艾肯·G.R., 2019. Geochemical factors controlling dissolved elemental mercury and methylmercury formation in Alaskan wetlands of varying trophic state. Environmental Science & 技术 53(11), 6203-6213; doi:10.1021 / acs.美国东部时间.8b06041.
  • * *罗杰斯J.D.瑟曼·E.M.费雷尔一世.罗森布鲁姆.S.埃文斯·M.V.,捕鼠员P.J., Ryan J。.N., 2019. Degradation of polyethylene glycols and polypropylene glycols in microcosms simulating a spill of produced water in shallow groundwater. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts 21, 256-268; doi:10.1039 / C8EM00291F.
  • Entrekin年代.A级火车.塞勒斯·J.帕特森·L.马宏升.法尔吉奥内·J.[J]., Baruch-Mordo S.康施尼克K.怀斯曼·H.Nicot J.-P., Ryan J。.N., 2018. Water stress from high-volume hydraulic fracturing potentially threatens aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services in Arkansas, U.S.A. Environmental Science & 技术 52(4), 2349–2358; doi:10.1021 / acs.美国东部时间.7b03304.
  • 巴雷特P.M.赫尔E.A.金·C.E.伯克·K., **奥特K.A.瑞安·J.N.高维尔·J.E.和诺伊曼R.B., 2018. Increased exposure of plankton to arsenic in contaminated weakly-stratified lakes. Science of the Total Environment 625, 1606-1614; doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.336.
  • 保林B * *.A., **Gerbig C.A.、金·C.S.[J].P.瑞安·J.N.艾肯·G.R., 2017. Effects of sulfide concentration and dissolved organic matter characteristics on the structure of nanocolloidal metacinnabar. Environmental Science & 技术 51(22), 13133-13142; doi:10.1021 / acs.美国东部时间.7b02687.
  • * *罗杰斯J.D.费雷尔一世.,图明斯.S.;比勒费尔特.R., Ryan J。.N., 2017. Inhibition of biodegradation of hydraulic fracturing compounds by glutaraldehyde: Groundwater column and microcosm experiments. Environmental Science & 技术 51(17), 10251-10261.
  • Rosenblum J.——纳尔逊·A.W.——鲁尔·B.舒尔茨M.K.瑞安·J.N.林登K.G., 2017. Temporal characterization of flowback and produced water quality from a hydraulically fractured oil and gas well. Science of the Total Environment 596-597, 369-377.
  • 保林B * *.A.瑞安·J.N.纳吉·K.L.斯塔宾斯A., T.奥勒姆·W., Krabbenhoft D.P.艾肯·G.R., 2017. Spatial dependence of reduced sulfur in Everglades dissolved organic matter controlled by sulfate enrichment. Environmental Science & 技术 51(7), 3630-3639.
  • 马屁精G., Rajaram H.——舍伍德O.A.伯克·T.L., Ryan J。.N., 2017. Surface casing pressure as an indicator of well integrity loss and stray gas migration in the Wattenberg Field, 科罗拉多州. Environmental Science & 技术 51(6), 3567-3574.
  • 马宏升K.O., Baruch-Mordo S.帕特森·L.A.Nicot J.-P.、Entrekin年代.A.法尔吉奥内·J.E.[J].M.康施尼克K.E.瑞安·J.N.A级火车.M.塞勒斯·J.E.怀斯曼·H.J., 2017. Unconventional oil and gas spills: materials, volumes and risks to surface waters in four states of the U.S. Science of the Total Environment 581-582, 369-377.
  • 舍伍德O.A., **罗杰斯.D.,狗狗G.伯克·T.L.奥斯本S.G., Ryan J。.N., 2016. Groundwater methane in relation to oil and gas development and shallow coal seams in the Denver-Julesburg Basin of 科罗拉多州. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(30), 8391-8396.
  • Oikonomou P.D., Kallenberger J.A.沃斯科姆R.M.Boone K.K.普隆邦B.N., Ryan J。.N., 2016. Water acquisition and use during unconventional oil and gas development and the existing data challenges: Weld and Garfield Counties, CO. Journal of Environmental Management 181, 36-47.
  • 瑟曼E.M.费雷尔一世.罗森布鲁姆.林登·K., Ryan J。.N., 2016. Identification of polypropylene glycols and polyethylene glycol carboxylates in wastewater from hydraulic fracturing. Journal of Hazardous Materials 323, Part A, 11-17.
  • 莫汉蒂* *年代.K.塞勒斯·J.E., Ryan J。.N., 2016. Colloid mobilization in a fractured soil: Effect of pore water exchange between preferential flow paths and soil matrix. Environmental Science & 技术 50(5), 2310-2317.
  • * *韦伯斯特J.P.凯恩·T.J., Obrist D.瑞安·J.N.艾肯·G.R., 2016. Estimating mercury emissions resulting from wildfire in the w美国东部时间ern United States. Science of the Total Environment 568, 578-586.