Federal Parent Loans

The Federal PLUS Loan (also known as the William D. 福特直接PLUS贷款)可能适用于受抚养学生的父母. The lender is the U.S. 而不是银行或其他金融机构.

Parent PLUS Loan Video

博彩平台推荐将指导你如何申请家长加助学贷款.gov and help you avoid common mistakes.

Who can Apply

To be eligible, you must be: a biological or adoptive parent, regardless of whether or not your info is provided on the FAFSA; or a stepparent (their information must be provided on the FAFSA). 祖父母和其他亲属没有资格获得这种贷款.

When to Apply

就像FAFSA一样,你必须每年申请父母PLUS贷款,你想获得它. You may apply as early as April for the upcoming school year (includes fall & spring terms) and September for a spring-only loan.

For the fall semester, it's recommended that you apply no later than the first week of August 以便有时间处理,避免支付滞纳金.

PLUS Loan & the Bill

PLUS贷款将在第一天上课前的周一支付学生的账单,只要所有信息请求都完成. 当您的贷款发放时,您将收到电子邮件通知. Also review Parent Loans & the Tuition Bill

  • 此贷款要求对借款的父母进行信用检查.
  • There is a loan origination fee of 4.228%.
  • 还款开始于贷款全额支付后60天. 家长可以在贷款发放后联系直接贷款服务机构,要求在你的学生离开学校后最多6个月或半天以下延期. 利息将在延期结束时资本化.
  • Parents may borrow up to the full cost of attendance, less other financial aid received.
  • If the parent applicant is not approved for the loan, 他或她将有能力获得背书,或者学生可以获得额外的联邦直接无补贴贷款.
  • 这是有可能的父母有资格为PLUS贷款与不良信用评分, so long as they don't have an adverse credit history (i.e., no more than 90 days late on any debt and no defaults, 破产或对任何第四章债务的其他不利诉讼).

Fixed Interest Rates

Date of First Disbursement

Interest Rate

7/1/24 to 6/30/25 9.08% 
7/1/23 to 6/30/24 8.05%

7/1/22 to 6/30/23


更多博彩app推荐家长PLUS贷款的信息可从 Department of Education.

  1. Complete the FAFSA with your student. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) has to be done every year.
  2. Apply for the PLUS Loan. 申请贷款,家长借款人将使用他们的联邦学生ID (FSA ID)登录 studentaid.gov. 如果您没有FSA ID,则需要创建一个. Do not use your student's FSA ID. After the parent signs in, click on "Apply for a PLUS Loan." We highly recommend you calculate how much aid you need to apply for and only borrow what you need.
  3. Authorize a Credit Check. 申请PLUS贷款时,家长将被要求授权进行信用检查. 财政援助办公室将收到信贷决定的确认以及所要求的金额. If the credit is approved, 您将收到博彩平台推荐办公室的通知,贷款将显示为已接受 student portal. 如果申请的贷款超过了父母的资格,贷款金额将相应减少.
  4. Complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN). 家长将从联邦直接贷款服务机构收到一份PLUS贷款披露声明,以确认贷款已被批准.

Important Note: 贷款必须在学生注册的最后一天由博彩平台推荐的办公室处理,至少6个学分. 

Use an Endorser

If credit is denied, the parent will have the ability to obtain an endorser. 背书人将需要直接PLUS背书人代码或奖励识别号码来将背书与被拒绝的PLUS贷款联系起来. 您可以通过拒绝通知电子邮件或通过以下方式获得背书代码或奖励ID logging in to your account and viewing your completed Direct PLUS Loan Request. 博彩平台推荐强烈建议使用电子背书,因为这是完成此请求的最快方式. 如果你选择用书面背书来完成你的申请,你必须 notify our office when the endorser is approved, or your loan may be delayed.

If the parent does not have an endorser, the student can contact our office to request an additional unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan.

Submit an Appeal

You can appeal a credit decision 向教育部提供使用的信用信息不正确或已被纠正或与信用历史有关的情有可原的情况的证明. 联邦贷款发放中心将在三个工作日内与您联系,讨论您的上诉. 如果您没有收到电话,您可以通过1-800-557-7394与他们联系.

Complete PLUS Credit Counseling

如果您在获得背书或证明情有可原的情况后,有资格获得直接PLUS贷款, you will be required to complete PLUS Credit Counseling online.

Parent PLUS loans are limited to pay toward tuition, 学费和校内食宿费,除非你选择授权助学金支付所有费用. 您将有权选择授权贷款支付所有费用,当你完成 PLUS Loan application. If you do not authorize the loan to pay additional charges, 你可能会收到退款——即使你还欠大学的钱. To change your authorization selection complete the Parent PLUS – Change Refund Options form.

您可以选择如何在完成申请表后退还剩余的贷款金额 PLUS Loan application. If you elect for the student to receive the refund, 它将在学期开始前大约三天发送到他们的直接存款中. If you elect to receive the refund directly, 支票会寄给你(这个过程可能需要两周时间). If you wish to change your refund selection, complete the Parent PLUS – Change Refund Options form.

  • View our PLUS Loan FAQ's
  • 申请时使用你的(家长借款人)FSA ID,而不是你学生的
  • 选择家长PLUS贷款申请,而不是毕业生PLUS版本
  • 在您所要求的贷款金额中计算贷款发起费用
  • 像FAFSA一样,每年完成一份PLUS贷款申请,你希望获得贷款
  • PLUS贷款的收益将在开学前的周一应用到学生的账单中. 任何剩余的收益将通过纸质支票寄给家长,除非家长授权将资金直接存入学生的银行账户, which is much faster.
  • 如果父母认为他们可能会被拒绝联邦PLUS贷款或有其他特殊情况阻止他们借款, we recommend contacting our office before applying.
  • 在州内居留申请中,申请联邦PLUS贷款将被视为父母支持.

Private Parent Loans

View FastChoice to explore some of your private parent loan options.