Published: Sept. 3, 2024

football in grass

Did you know that according to the National Council on Problem Gambling, nearly 67% of all college students bet on sports?* This figure doesn’t even include those who also bet on the lottery, card games, mobile games or casinos. 

If your student chooses to place bets during football season, here are some tips, 他们可以用来避免危险行为的策略和资源,并在需要时寻求支持. 

1. Evaluating habits 

Gambling and sports betting are not inherently wrong or bad. However, it is important to remind your student that gambling sites, games and apps are all designed to keep them betting. Sites do this by stimulating the brain’s reward center, much like alcohol and other drugs do, which can lead to addictive behaviors. 

如果你或你的学生对大脑对赌博输赢的反应感兴趣, you can read more about the science behind gambling. 熟悉自己身体无法控制的反应可以帮助他们更加专注,知道什么时候该休息一下. 

与你的学生一起检查他们的赌博习惯也是一个好主意. 让学生回想过去12个月的情况,回答以下问题: 

  • Have you gambled more often or with more money? 
  • Have you withdrawn from relationships? 
  • Have you borrowed money to cover gambling debts? 
  • Do you hide your bets or gambling habits from others? 
  • Do you feel the urge to keep betting even when you’re losing? 
  • 赌博是否给你带来任何健康问题,包括压力或焦虑? 
  • 你是否曾经对你赌博的方式或赌博时发生的事情感到内疚或懊悔? 

如果你的学生对这些问题的回答是肯定的,也许是时候重新评估你的赌博习惯了. They can also take this quick free quiz to get help evaluating their current habits. 

2. Putting limits in place 

限制学生花在赌博上的金钱和时间可以帮助他们避免不必要的经济后果. Here are some potential limits you can talk through with your student.  

  • Set time and money limits. 鼓励你的学生利用赌博网站上的功能,这些功能可以帮助他们监控自己的游戏,并知道自己何时超过了时间或金钱限制. 你也可以讨论如何在他们达到这个极限后抵制继续下注或玩游戏的冲动. 
  • Budget for gambling. Ask your student what they can reasonably afford to spend on gambling. Encourage your student to set a budget and stick to it. If your student struggles to keep track of their spending, 鼓励他们从手机或笔记本电脑上删除信用卡或借记卡信息,这样网站就不会自动填充. 此外,如果他们要出去下注,鼓励他们把牌留在家里. 同样重要的是要提醒你的学生永远不要借钱或使用用于基本需求的钱.g., rent and food) to place bets. 
  • Know how it works. 鼓励你的学生在投注之前研究一个特定的游戏或投注系统是如何运作的. For instance, some bets may depend on the outcome of the game, 而其他人可能依赖于分差或将在未来决定的比赛. 了解他们正在下注的类型以及系统如何运作可以帮助他们减少损失超过预期的风险. 
  • Only bet what they can afford to lose. All gambling comes with risk. Sometimes they're up and sometimes they’re not. Remind your student that this is a normal part of gambling. 在他们下注之前,你还应该讨论他们真正愿意输多少钱. Remind them that if they lose money, they should not try to win it back. 这通常会导致比他们放走资金所造成的损失更大的损失. 

3. Finding a balance 

长时间的赌博会使学生很难记录自己的时间和金钱. 定期远离赌博可以帮助他们清醒头脑,培养更健康的赌博关系. 这里有一些建议可以帮助你的学生在赌博和其他活动之间取得平衡:    

  • Balance recreational gambling with other hobbies or interests. 
  • Delete gambling apps from their phone, laptop and other devices. 
  • 从手机的“自动填写”功能中删除信用卡或借记卡信息, computer or other devices. 
  • 设置时间限制或屏蔽网站,他们想花更少的时间在使用软件,如 Bet Blocker or GamBan
  • Avoid betting or playing when their emotions are heightened (e.g., stressed, upset, angry, frustrated, etc.). 
  • Avoid gambling while under the influence of alcohol or other substances. 这可能会导致他们在赌博时承担比平时更多的风险. 

4. Sharing your experience 

当人们取得成功或获胜时,他们对自己的经历更加开放是很常见的. 然而,解决你和你的学生可能经历的损失也很重要. 

Encourage your student to start having open, honest and balanced conversations around sports betting and gambling. 易受伤害,分享你自己在体育博彩中的高潮和低谷的真实经历,可以帮助他们识别对你有用的习惯或策略,以及那些无效的习惯或策略. It can also provide insight into how others view gambling, 他们有什么限制,它如何影响人们的生活不同. 

Here are a few questions you may consider talking through: 

  • How does betting impact the enjoyment of watching sports for you? 
  • 与其他类型的赌博相比,你认为体育博彩的风险有多大? 
  • What types of sports do you bet on? 
  • How hard/easy is it to make money betting? 
  • Have you experienced any losses this year? What was it like? 
  • 你认为未来几年你与博彩的关系会发生怎样的变化?  

5. Seeking support 

When betting becomes problematic, it not only increases students’ financial risks, but it can also increase their risk of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and relationship issues. 

Some people may also experience compulsive gambling. 强迫性赌博发生在某人有一种无法控制的冲动继续赌博时,尽管赌博会给他们的生活或财务造成损失. When someone is engaged in compulsive gambling, they tend to chase bets that lose more often, use up their savings, get into debt or resort to theft or fraud to fund their gambling habits. 

If you’re concerned about how gambling is affecting your student’s life, there are resources and programs available to help. 

On-campus resources

Collegiate Recovery Community (CUCRC) 

CUCRC为正在康复或寻求从各种行为中恢复的学生提供社区和支持, including gambling. 

Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) 

CAPS可以帮助学生探索他们与赌博的关系,并帮助你与支持资源联系. 您的学生可以安排一个筛选预约,或在“让博彩平台推荐谈谈”期间停下来与提供者会面. 

Gambling Guide 

Learn quick tips for how to gamble in a healthy way, find balance, know the warning signs of problem gambling and get help or seek recovery. 

Off-campus resources



Thriving Campus 

如果你的学生有兴趣联系当地的心理健康提供者, 这个全面的数据库允许他们按专业筛选提供者, insurance coverage and more.

National Problem Gambling Helpline 

全国问题赌博求助热线由全国问题赌博委员会(NCPG)运营。. They provide 24/7 phone, 文字和聊天服务,帮助个人与当地的资源和支持有关赌博问题. 


Gamtalk is a free, anonymous, peer-based support network that helps individuals with problem gambling. They offer moderated group support chats online 24/7.