
博彩平台推荐的学习和考试计划会影响博彩平台推荐晚上的睡眠质量和睡眠时间. Whether you’ve found yourself sleeping in later, taking more naps, staying up late or fighting anxious thoughts, irregular sleep habits can negatively impact our lives.

研究表明,睡眠对博彩平台推荐的身心健康至关重要. In fact, 每晚睡7到9个小时可以让博彩平台推荐的情绪有所不同, metabolism, memory, immune function and more. Whether you’re feeling fatigued, restless or both, 这里有一些建议可以帮助你建立一个更好的睡眠时间表.

If you’re having trouble sleeping

You may find yourself losing sleep or experiencing insomnia. 这可能是由于焦虑,缺乏一致的常规或改变你的时间表. Here are some tips that can help you get more quality sleep.

 Curb your caffeine.

Caffeine typically stays in your system for about eight hours, 所以最好在下午早些时候喝完最后一杯能量饮料或咖啡. If you experience cravings later in the day, 试着选择无咖啡因咖啡,或者寻找像气泡水这样美味的替代品. You can also 看看这篇文章,看看如何在没有咖啡因的情况下保持清醒.

 Stay active earlier in the day.

Physical activity can give us an adrenaline boost, 哪一种方法可以帮助博彩平台推荐全天保持警觉和动力. 然而,如果你在晚上锻炼,它会严重破坏你的睡眠时间表. 尽量在睡觉前至少三小时结束锻炼. If you want to squeeze in some late-night movement, consider more relaxing activities like stretching or yoga. 

 Turn off your screens.

电子设备发出的蓝光会干扰博彩平台推荐产生褪黑激素的自然能力, a hormone that regulates sleep. 你可以使用“夜间模式”等内置功能来减少晚上屏幕上的蓝光. When possible, try putting your laptop, 至少在睡前一小时远离手机和其他设备,帮助你的大脑做好睡觉的准备. 考虑将手机设置为“请勿打扰”,以防深夜收到通知, which can also impact your sleep with sounds or light, even if you don’t fully wake up.

 Optimize your sleep environment.

Did you know that your bedroom can impact your sleep? 只在床上休息和放松,创造终极的睡眠绿洲, adjusting your room temperature to a cooler setting, 使用风扇或白噪音应用程序来减少分散注意力的声音,并拉上窗帘以确保房间黑暗. 你也可以使用精油(如洋甘菊或薰衣草)来帮助你的身体放松,准备睡觉.

 Avoid lying awake.

如果你发现自己躺在床上超过二十分钟没睡,别担心. 有时候博彩平台推荐的身体需要一点额外的帮助来适应夜晚. When this happens, 试着下床做一些低调的活动(比如读书或伸展). 设置一个计时器,在再次入睡前做大约20分钟的事情. 不要强迫自己躺在床上直到睡着——这实际上会增加压力,让你更难入睡.

If you’re sleeping more than usual

如果你白天经常打盹,你可能正在经历嗜睡症, having difficulty waking up in the morning, sleeping through your alarm, 整天感觉昏昏沉沉,或者更想睡觉. 疲劳和睡眠增加可能是由多种因素引起的,包括无聊或抑郁. 这里有一些建议可以帮助你让你的睡眠时间表回到正轨.

 Look for patterns.

When are you sleeping? How long are you sleeping? What do you notice about your habits? 寻找规律,试着找出可能影响你睡眠的因素. 这些见解可以帮助你创建常规,让你回到更有规律的节奏. For instance, 如果你发现自己熬夜到很晚,白天需要小睡一会儿, try to work out a way to get to sleep an hour or two earlier. 每天晚上提前15到30分钟上床睡觉,直到你找到一个最适合你的就寝时间,这是有帮助的.

 Practice consistency.

每天晚上在同一时间上床睡觉,每天早上在同一时间起床可以帮助你建立一个例行公事. 养成夜间习惯可以帮助你快速养成这个习惯. 例如,你可以在手机上设置闹钟,提醒你该准备睡觉了. When you hear the alarm, start your routine. Take a shower, stretch, 读一本书或选择另一种平静的活动来帮助你在晚上放松下来.

 Moderate caffeine and alcohol.

饮酒过量、过于频繁以及临近就寝时间都会影响睡眠质量. 把含咖啡因的饮料留到早上或下午早些时候喝,尽量避免用酒精来帮助睡眠. If you experience cravings later in the day, 试着选择无咖啡因咖啡,或者寻找像气泡水这样美味的替代品. 

 Don’t deprive yourself.

Running on too little sleep can cause us to overcompensate. Oftentimes, 这会导致睡眠不足和睡过头的恶性循环,对博彩平台推荐的身心健康造成损害. As we get ready for finals, 不要熬夜或者等到最后一分钟才完成作业. Instead, 给自己足够的时间把项目分成更小的任务,这样你就可以在一天结束的时候得到充分的休息. This will help you retain more information and stay focused. Check out 这篇文章提供了更多博彩app推荐如何在不牺牲睡眠的情况下考试取得好成绩的建议.

If you’re still experiencing sleep issues

睡眠模式的改变可能是一种副作用,也是抑郁症的早期预警信号. 让你的医生或治疗师知道你是否无法入睡或是否睡得太多. 

If you think you may be experiencing depression, 你可透过下列途径与心理咨询及精神科服务提供者会面 scheduling an online screening or visiting Let’s Talk drop-in hours.

有很多资源可以帮助你获得更好的睡眠和管理相关问题, like stress or anxiety. Here are a few to try:

Free apps

如果你有睡眠困难,尝试一下免费的应用程序可能会有好处 CBT-i Coach to track your sleep. These kinds of apps can help you develop better sleep habits, 改善你的睡眠环境,学习减轻失眠的技巧.

Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)

Join CAPS for a free Healthy Living workshop each week. They’ll cover topics related to general health and wellness, including body image, nutrition/eating, physical activity, sleep, general self-care and stress management. To sign up, visit your MyCUHealth portal.

Peer Wellness Coaching

You can also meet one-on-one with a trained Peer Wellness Coach. 他们熟悉大学生每天面临的各种问题, including stress, relationships, time management, self-image, sleep, self-care, finances, goal-setting and more.