
"We are here to help students find satisfying, meaningful employment after graduation. 作为一个办公室, we have a real dedication to helping students put together a portfolio of skills that will be marketable to employers by making sure that they have job experiences throughout law school that will help them achieve their professional goals."



“发展个人的职业身份, 建立人际关系技能, 沟通技巧对法律系学生来说是必不可少的. CDO提供编程, 包括律师导师项目, that helps students begin developing key skills for long-lasting career success.”



"Our employers provide meaningful work opportunities for students 和 graduates that help them develop as lawyers 和 as professionals. 作为回报, employers get high-quality work product from students e年龄r to explore all areas of legal practice. 无论是在工作场所还是通过网络, our office delights in connecting students 和 graduates with attorneys."

马西·富尔顿,法学博士-助理. 雇主关系和外联主任


In short, our students are professional, personable, 和 committed to hard work. 

  • The class of 2027's median LSAT score is 164 和 their median undergraduate GPA is 3.79.
  • 许多学生都有重要的工作经验, which fosters an impressive work ethic 和 inspires students to seek a deep underst和ing of academic concepts 和 a breadth of practical experiences. 
  • A Princeton Review survey indicates that the hours our students study per week places 科罗拉多州的法律 among the top 10 law schools.
  • 95% of the classes of 2024 和 2025 worked in substantive legal or law-related jobs during summer 2023.


  • 在2018年的197名科罗拉多法学院毕业生中, 2年内参加司法考试的有191人,通过考试的有182人(95%).
  • Over 550 of 科罗拉多州的法律’s alumni have signed up to be a resource for current students to learn about their career path, 地理区域, 或者练习区.
  • 博彩平台推荐的校友 live 和 work in all 50 states 和 32 different countries.
  • 科罗拉多州的法律 alumni have conducted 86 mock interviews with current students in the past two years.


科罗拉多州的法律's Career Development Office (CDO) specializes in connecting law students with employers both during the academic year 和 during the summer. 从1L方向开始, 职业发展是一个中心主题, we encour年龄 students to take an intentional 和 creative approach to planning their careers. Our CDO supports students by offering individualized career advising 和 a range of services 和 programs to help refine 和 achieve career goals. CDO团队包括 六位敬业的专业人士 with experience helping students 和 alumni succeed in the current employment climate.


  1. Educate students on career options available to them in the legal profession 和 related to the legal profession;
  2. Provide law students with individualized attention 和 guidance in their job searches 和 give them the tools necessary to maximize their employment opportunities;
  3. Assist students in identifying careers that align with their abilities 和 interests to maximize job satisfaction;
  4. Elevate the visibility of 科罗拉多州的法律 students in the local, 区域, 和 national markets by advocating for them 和 promoting them to employers; 和
  5. 发展和维护与当地的关系, 区域, 和 national employers to increase their interest in hiring our students.

关注职业发展办公室的更新 脸谱网推特.


The 科罗拉多大学法学院 Career Development Office provides its students 和 graduates with equal opportunity to obtain employment without discrimination or segregation on the grounds of race, 种族, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 性, 怀孕, 性别, 性别认同, 性别表达, 性取向, 年龄, 残疾或退伍军人身份. By utilizing the services 和 facilities of the Career Development Office you are agreeing to abide by that principle 和 to comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws established by the federal 和 科罗拉多州 governments.