Enroll in Studies

Would you like to participate in a MRI study?

在继续之前,请确保您符合以下基本标准. 任何不符合这些基本标准的人在博彩平台推荐的MRI环境中都可能不安全.

Basic Criteria for MRI Study Participation

  • 你身上或体内没有任何不可移动的金属物体或金属碎片
  • You weigh less than 250 lbs
  • You are not claustrophobic

You can find a partial 在下面的空白处列出当前的研究参与机会. 每隔几周就会有新的学习机会,请经常回来看看. 

Thank you for your interest in our research!


Current MRI Study Participation Opportunities


你想参与一项博彩app推荐认知、情绪和适应力的研究吗? Are you a teen ages 15–19? Or do you know a teen who may be interested? 

在情感障碍与发展研究实验室, 博彩平台推荐感兴趣的是了解某些认知能力, 比如能够集中注意力或学习帮助你实现目标的行动, 可以帮助青少年应对压力,保持健康吗. 

This is a two-year study. Over the course of the study, 您将有两次博彩平台推荐博彩平台推荐在博尔德的实验室, each lasting about five hours. During these visits you will be interviewed about your life experiences; you will complete some computer games that involve paying attention and learning; you will have a neuroimaging scan while you either rest quietly or play computer games; and you will answer a set of surveys on a computer. Also as part of the study, you will complete a set of online surveys and a brief telephone interview once every six months (five times total during the two-year study participation). 在研究结束时,您将有一个最后的电话采访,持续大约两个小时. 


To learn more, 您或您的父母/法定监护人(如果您未满17岁)可以博彩平台推荐博彩平台推荐的网站 www.raddlab.com,直接博彩app推荐的实验室,电话:303-735-8306或发送电子邮件至 raddlab@vitrincep.com

ADULTS (18+)


The Research on Affective Disorders and Development Lab is conducting research on wellness and stress coping in CU students. 博彩平台推荐想了解是什么让科罗拉多大学的学生能够适应压力, 并探索以同伴为基础的项目如何促进健康.    

The study includes a few different parts: (1) everyone in the study will be sent a series of electronic surveys three times over the course of the year; (2) some qualifying participants will also complete two in-person research visits, 其中包括一个博彩app推荐生活经历的采访, a set of computer games, and a neuroimaging scan; (3) participants who are using Peer Wellness Coaching services at CU may choose to share information about their Coaching experience with our research team (but you do not have to be using Peer Wellness Coaching to participate in the study). The study takes place over the course of a full year and you will be compensated for your participation (maximum of $504 to $608 for completing all parts of the study).  

如果您有兴趣了解更多信息,请联系RADD实验室 raddlab@vitrincep.com, 303-735-8306, or complete our webscreen at www.raddlab.com/participate.    

Stress in moms and babies (Project SIMBA)

Participate in the SIMBA research study, a collaboration between the University of Denver Family and Child Neuroscience Lab and the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus!

Are you...

  • 18-45 years old?
  • 3-12 months postpartum?
  • Fluent in English?
  • Generally healthy?


The purpose of the SIMBA study is to learn more about how stressful experiences influence cognitive and emotional demands on new mothers as they adapt to parenting their infants.

If you choose to participate, 您可能会被要求参加多达四次不同的博彩平台推荐, and you will be compensated for your time. 该研究包括家庭和/或实验室博彩平台推荐,访谈和调查,以及神经成像.

Interested? 请致电720-777-2200或simbalab@ucdenver与博彩平台推荐联系.edu!

Study on mothers and newborns

参加博彩平台推荐的新崛起-亲子社会关系, Emotional, and Brain Development project! 

The University of Denver Family and Child Neuroscience lab is looking for healthy pregnant women to participate in our new study! Help us learn more about how everyday stress impacts mental and emotional demands related to pregnancy and parenting in mothers and how a newborns' body and brain develops. 

Who can participate? Anyone 18-40 years old who is healthy, 身上有没有不可拆卸的金属, 怀孕8-12周(不一定是第一次怀孕), 并符合电话中解释的其他资格标准. 

What does the study consist of? Five home visits and two lab visits. Three prenatal visits, one during your first, second, 还有妊娠晚期和两次产后检查——一次是在宝宝出生后的几周内, another once your baby is one year old. Additionally, 博彩平台推荐将邀请您参观博彩平台推荐在博尔德的实验室扫描仪中心, 在你的孩子出生后的几周内,如果被选中, again once your child is one year old. 博彩平台推荐会得到你和宝宝大脑的图像. Your baby will sleep in the scanner naturally without any use of sedation and you will be awake during your scan. Transportation and child care are available. We will call you a few times during the postpartum period to see how you and your baby are doing and ask you a few questions over the phone.  

Will I be compensated?  Yes! 如果你参与博彩平台推荐的RISE项目,你可以获得高达795美元的补偿. 

How do I learn more about participating or if I have an interested friend who should they contact?  Email us at fcnlab@du.edu or give us a call at 303-871-3096. 博彩平台推荐将通过电话与您进行简短的筛选,以确定您是否适合这项研究. 你也可以找到一个博彩app推荐研究过程的视频和更多博彩app推荐博彩平台推荐研究的信息 our website.

Study on motivation, attention, and memory

We are currently recruiting women and men ages 18-25 years for a research study investigating relationships between motivation, attention, 通过fMRI神经成像和TMS神经刺激来研究大脑中的记忆. Your involvement in the study will involve a brief screening (online or by telephone) to ensure eligibility. You will receive between $15-25/hour for your participation with the potential of winning additional bonus money. 欲了解更多信息和/或完成初步筛选,请点击以下链接: http://dumaclab.org/participate/ 

Studies that do not involve MRI scanning

心理学研究寻找参与者| 15美元/小时

The System-Human Interaction with fNIRS and EEG (SHINE) Lab is seeking individuals over the age of 18, who do not have a history of seizures, 作为行为主体参与2-3小时的游戏研究.

Participants will play several games with other individuals for money and will complete a series of questionnaires.

Participants will be paid $15/hour for participating and will have the opportunity to earn bonus money for their decisions.

Participants will also wear a non-invasive brain measurement device called functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) while completing the gaming tasks. fNIRS使用光来监测大脑中的血液流动.


please email:


The Cognitive Development Center at CU Boulder is looking for children—ages 3 to 12 years old—who are interested in playing fun games that teach us about their learning!
Our goal in the Cognitive Development Center is to understand thinking and how it changes with development. 博彩平台推荐和孩子们一起探索记忆的发展, language, problemsolving, and flexibility. 了解这些能力是如何发展的不仅可以帮助博彩平台推荐理解孩子们是如何思考的, but also how we come to think as adults.
博彩平台推荐的中心总是有有趣的正在进行的项目, 博彩平台推荐感谢像你们这样带着孩子来参加的家长的帮助. 博彩平台推荐为你支付5美元的交通费,大楼旁边的停车场是免费的. 如果你或你的朋友想参加博彩平台推荐的项目, 您可以通过以下方式报名:博彩平台推荐博彩平台推荐的网站http://vitrincep.com/cognitivedevelopment/注册,发邮件至cogdevctr@grey.vitrincep.com,或致电博彩平台推荐的中心协调员303-492-6389.

PI: Dr. Angela Bryan   
Reason for this Study:  博彩平台推荐想了解更多博彩app推荐大麻对炎症和血糖调节的影响. 
What you will do:  This study involves meeting with our research staff a total of two times: once at our lab in Boulder and once in our mobile laboratory at a location convenient to you. 这两项检查都包括采血, an oral glucose tolerance test, and brief and confidential surveys. 第二次预约涉及使用大麻.  
Who can be in the study:  You must be 21 to 40 years old, have used cannabis at least once in your life, 但最近三个月没有吸过大麻. You must also be willing to use cannabis. Both men and women can be in the study.  

If you're interested in participating or have questions, please contact CUChange at 303-492-9549 or sonic.custudy@gmail.com.  

PI: Dr. Angela Bryan 

Reason for this Study:  We want to learn more about the potential benefits and risks of cannabis use among people who are being treated for cancer. 

What you will do:  This study involves meeting with our research staff a total of two times: once at our lab in Boulder and once in our mobile laboratory at a location convenient to you. 这两次预约都包括抽血(第二次预约三次)。, questionnaires, and tasks to assess cognitive function. 在您第二次预约一个月后,您将通过电子邮件完成一份在线调查.  

Who can be in the study:  You must be at least 21 years old and be interested in using or are already using cannabis to treat the symptoms associated with your cancer or its treatment. Both men and women can be in the study. 

If you're interested in participating or have questions, please contact CUChange at 303-492-9549 or chrme.custudy@gmail.com.  

Viewing the images contained on your CD

The CD some participants receive after their scan contains a limited set of MRI images in DICOM format. The CD has a built-in viewing program that should run automatically when inserted in a Windows PC. 如果你使用的是Mac,你需要先下载并安装一个免费的DICOM图像查看器. We recommend OsiriX Lite, available here (please note that after you follow the link you must click "New User" and provide some basic info to receive the download link). OsiriX is in no way affiliated with INC and we cannot provide further assistance with their product. 

Mini-Tutorial for Participant Brain CD's

您可以查看博彩平台推荐创建的教程,以补充光盘上 YouTube here. 如您在获取磁盘之前签署的映像发布表中所述, the images you received following your scan at the INC were acquired for research purposes only. 从这些图像中不可能做出准确的医学上相关的诊断. Like a fingerprint, everyone’s brain is different and you should not expect your brain to look exactly the same as the brain used in this mini-tutorial. 就像你可能有的其他健康问题一样, 如果你对你的大脑有医学上的担忧,你应该联系你的初级保健医生.