检查 & 管理电子邮件

  • Monitor your CU Boulder email account daily to stay up to date with important information from the university, 你的导师, 或顾问.
  • 不要让你读过的邮件堆积起来. Create a file organization system within your email to better store and organize your information.
    • 示例:为每门课程创建文件夹, 获取您的学术顾问的最新信息, 还有校园通告

尽早寻求帮助 & 做你自己的拥护者

  • If you haven’t before, introduce yourself to your professor. 尤其是在远程课堂上, connecting with your professor can help you stay engaged in class and feel more at ease when it comes to reaching out to them again. See if they would be willing to meet virtually one on one.
  • 如果你在学业上有困难, 在财务上, 或个人, 联系你的导师, 教练, or other staff or faculty who can help you discover and utilize campus resources that may help address whatever concerns you may be facing.
  • Let your professors or TAs know if you are struggling with coursework or have other obligations or unexpected situations arise that are causing you challenges.
  • Communicate with your 教练 if you are having technology or connectivity issues. Sharing things like this upfront and ahead of time can help create an understanding relationship.
  • 定期与你的顾问、教练、导师联系.

Treat an Online Course like a “Real” Course - Because it is!

  • 大, online lecture classes can make asking a question feel awkward and asynchronous classes are even more challenging when it comes to asking questions. Try writing them down while you’re in class, then ask your professor at a more convenient time.
  • It can be hard in an online class to demonstrate your engagement. 如果可以的话,参与其中,提出问题,并跟进. Professors value knowing you're interested in and are participating in class, 即使是远程控制.
  • 在在线课程中, 这通常会让你感觉自己在学习, 学习, 独自工作, which can make motivation levels decrease and make studying or working on assignments challenging. Instead of putting off an assignment when your motivation drops, 试着想象你已经完成了它. Ask yourself, “What will I achieve by completing this assignment?” or try to make the work personally significant to you. 你也可以和别人一起学习! Join (or start) a study group, if possible (see study habits..).


  • Put deadlines on a calendar as soon as you get each syllabus.
    • Sync your Google Calendar with Canvas for all of your deadlines.
    • Write in deadlines, even for asynchronous classes, even if you have to create them yourself.
  • Hold yourself accountable to deadlines by scheduling smaller target dates ahead of time. 例如, set up time to meet with your study group days before your exam, or to meet with a Writing Center staff member about your paper at least a week before it’s due. These "mini-deadlines" can help keep you on track to complete assignments and meet goals.

了解你的学习习惯 & 为成功做好准备

  • 确定你如何学得最好. 你的效率是在早上还是晚上? Do you need complete silence, background noise, or music without words playing when studying? 制定日程安排时, utilize these times and spaces for some of your biggest priorities and tasks.
  • Create a routine for yourself to set yourself up for success. 每天在同一时间起床和睡觉, 或者在同一时间学习和吃饭, 例如, can do wonders for academic success and personal well-being.
  • Along with a routine, get ready like you're still going to school. 为上课换衣服, 吃得健康, and do all the things you normally do before leaving for school. While it's true no one can tell if you're in your pajamas, going through this routine can help establish the right type of "学习 mindset" that can foster success.
  • Create a dedicated workspace, separate from where you sleep and free from distractions. 当你学习的时候, 试着断开你的手机, 社交媒体, 或者看电视,这样你就能集中注意力了. And, when in class, turn off your phone to help eliminate distractions.
  • Prepare for your online exams the same way you would if they were given in person, giving yourself lots of time before the exam to get prepared.
  • Find an a classmate who can serve as an accountability partner and help hold you to certain goals and deadlines.
  • 加入学习小组(他们工作)!),如果没有的话, create one yourself or ask your professor to help share your interest in starting one.
  • 与家庭教师一起学习!


  • Suddenly losing access to technology during an exam is not ideal. Talk to your family or roommates about creating a schedule that allows everyone connectivity at the times that work best for them. And, if something does happen, take screenshots to email to the 教练. Not only can this help in making sure that 你的导师 know of your difficulties, 但如果你有作业要交, 它可以表明你的工作是按时完成的.
  • 结交班级朋友! Your peers can be a valuable resource when it comes to getting information that you may have missed due to connectivity issues or when preparing for an exam. Build relationships with other students by introducing yourself and engaging in any discussion boards that are available for the course.


  • 大学压力很大,尤其是在流感大流行期间. Be sure to get enough sleep each night, eat well, and stay physically active. 就像平常上学一样, 安排午餐休息时间, 行权, 或放松, 比如冥想或瑜伽.
  • 练习自己的兴趣爱好(或者找一个新的)!)你喜欢的. It's important to practice actitivies that allow you to destress while remaining mentally productive.
  • Connect with friends and family and if you need a counselor to talk to, 科罗拉多大学博尔德咨询中心 & 精神病学服务) 总是在那里.
  • 对自己有耐心. If you’re new to an online 学习 environment, it can be overwhelming. Give yourself time to learn and be kind to yourself when you face challenges.