

If you'll have completed your degree requirements by the end of the current or upcoming semester, 你可以通过网上申请毕业 学生门户. 看到博彩平台推荐的 毕业 & 毕业典礼 分步说明页面.


If you either graduated in the fall or submitted your graduation application by the April 1 deadline for spring or summer, yes. 看到博彩平台推荐毕业 & 毕业典礼 网页查询详情.

Where can I find information about degree conferral and commencement ceremonies?

参观 毕业典礼 website for all the information you need about summer or winter conferral and the spring ceremony.


PhD degrees typically post a few days after that semester's degree conferral date, 虽然本科, 硕士和法学博士学位大约在30天后发布. 检查博彩平台推荐毕业的日历 为学期特定日期.

成绩单 & 文凭



You'll be asked to provide a diploma name and a diploma address when you apply to graduate, 但是你可以在学期截止日期之前编辑它们(参见 校历). 请参阅博彩平台推荐的分步说明.


你需要 更新您的法定名称 博彩平台推荐.


毕业证书通常在毕业后八周寄出. 检查 校历 为学期特定日期.



  • 你可能有经济上的支持, such as an overdue balance or an incomplete loan exit interview at the time diplomas were mailed out. 你需要通知 diplomas@vitrincep.com 一旦你拿到了毕业证.
  • 你的毕业证书地址可能不正确. 文凭 are not forwarded by the post office, even if you request to have your mail forwarded. If you didn't enter a diploma address, your diploma was mailed to your home address.
  • 你可能走进了毕业典礼, 但尚未完成一项或多项学位要求. 详情请与您的导师联系.

未成年人打印在 官方成绩单,但不是文凭.


You'll receive a separate diploma for every unique degree you earned (e.g., ba, bs, bsme). 如果你修读了多个专业并获得了相同的学位, 你会收到一张列有每个专业的毕业证书.


If you need proof of your degree before degrees post to transcripts for the given semester (具体日期见毕业日历),你可以:

  • Use 浅黄色门户的注册验证卡 (you may be prompted to log in) to request an enrollment verification that includes your expected semester of graduation.
  • Contact your college or school to request a letter of completion.

在学位贴到成绩单上之后,你可以 索取正式成绩单 这包括你的学位和授予日期.

此外,雇主和其他第三方也可以 request degree verification through the National Student Clearinghouse.

我又修了一个专业. 我会得到一张新的文凭吗?

如果你在获得学位后完成了一个额外的专业, 你不会收到新版本的文凭. 你的文凭只显示你最初的学位授予日期, so it wouldn't accurately reflect when you completed your additional major.

Beginning with Fall 2016 graduates, the 司法常务官办公室 will send College of Arts & Sciences students who complete a post-degree additional major a post-degree additional major completion document.

Other students who need proof of a post-degree additional major are encouraged to 索取正式成绩单, which indicates the accurate completion date of the post-degree major.



See 订购文凭或证书 有关详细信息,.


See 订购文凭或证书 有关详细信息,.

我在网上订购替换文凭时遇到了麻烦. 能帮我设置账号吗?

绝对. 简单的电子邮件 diplomas@vitrincep.com 或致电303-492-6970.


No. 所有的文凭都是由外部供应商印刷和运输的.

认证电子文凭 & 证书(Ce文凭 / Ce证书)


电子证书 & 证书卡 in 浅黄色门户 and click the "Access your CeDiploma/CeCertificate" link to access CeCredential Trust, 博彩平台推荐认可的第三方供应商.

我在2015年12月之前毕业. 我可以获得电子文凭吗?

Effective April 1, 2021, you can purchase a CeDiploma if you graduated before December 2015. See 订购文凭或证书 有关详细信息,.

我在2017年秋季之前完成了我的学位和证书. 我可以得到电子证书吗?

No. 此时此刻, Ce证书 are only available to CU Boulder students who graduated and completed an official certificate in December 2017 or later.

Can I download the CeDiploma/CeCertificate and email it to someone else?

Yes, you can download a digitally signed copy of your CeDiploma/CeCertificate and email it to anyone you want. The file will retain the Adobe Digital Signature and CeDiD for validation purposes.


No. Ce文凭/Ce证书 are for electronic use only and may not be printed in any format. 但是,您可以打印 验证页面.

How do I know if the CeDiploma/CeCertificate I received is valid?

There are two ways to validate your electronic diploma/certificate:

  1. 去注册办公室 凭据验证页面 (or click the link on the second page of the CeDiploma/CeCertificate) and enter the required information where indicated.
  2. 如果您使用的是adobereader或acrobat9.0或更高, 您将能够查看数字签名, which is shown at the top of the PDF and is part of the overall security of the document. 如果数字签名显示为蓝带, it means that document has not been tampered with; any other symbol signifies the document cannot be trusted. Please note: Other PDF/digital readers and some mobile devices may not be able to show the digital signature/blue ribbon.
Why does the certificate used to digitally sign the documents say CeCredential Trust?

CeCredential Trust is the branded name of the digital signature that our vendor uses to digitally sign all Ce文凭/Ce证书. 签名内的电邮地址(info@CeCredentialTrust.com) will refer you to the 司法常务官办公室 for further information.

当我在iPhone/iPad上打开我的文凭/证书时, 它只加载了一半,然后出现了一条线.

This issue is due to the version of your operating system on your tablet, or the PDF viewer that the browser is using to open the CeDiploma/CeCertificate. 以iPhone/iPad为例, updating to the most recent iOS operating system usually solves the problem.

I have a hold on my record; can I receive my CeDiploma/CeCertificate?

Requests from current or former students with unmet obligations (e.g.(持有)不能被尊重. 要解决问题,请联系注册主任办公室.

I'm using a web browser to open the PDF, but it won't open properly.

The CeDiploma/CeCertificate is best viewed in Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. Some features may not be available when viewed in a web browser's default viewer. Please change the default viewer in your web browser to Adobe Reader or Acrobat.

When I try to download and save a copy of my CeDiploma/CeCertificate, 我收到一条要求输入密码的错误信息.

This is because your browser does not have Adobe set as the default PDF viewer. If you download and open the document using Adobe Reader, you should have no problem saving a copy.