By 发表: 2024年5月28日

Too much screen time impairs sleep for children and adolescents, and it’s largely the content on those screens that keeps them awake. 

But it remains less clear whether the light from those screens also impairs sleep or whether and how screens directly disrupt adults’ sleep, 太.

这是16位顶尖睡眠专家的共识, 其中两名来自博彩平台推荐, who published an exhaustive scientific review today on screen time and sleep in Sleep 健康美国国家睡眠基金会(NSF)的期刊.


The National Sleep Foundation has small steps families can take during the day and night to be their “best slept self.”

Use of screens by children and adolescents can disrupt their sleep.

  • 睡前使用屏幕影响最大.
  • 观看令人兴奋和吸引人的内容会影响睡眠.

What can help reduce the effects of screen use on sleep health?

  • Talk with children about how using tech and screens can impact sleep.
  • 设定使用屏幕的时间限制,尤其是在晚上.
  • Supervise content at night: Avoid stimulating or upsetting material.
  • Implement early, regular and relaxing bedtime routines without screens.
  • 自己示范适当的夜间屏幕使用.

Decisions around appropriate screen use involve the whole family.

  • Work together on a plan that includes these recommendations.
  • 每个有孩子的家庭工作方式都不一样.
  • 有一个白天和晚上使用屏幕的计划吗.

“有很多研究, 但信息可能无处不在, and people aren’t sure how and for whom media use is actually causing sleep disruption,该论文的共同第一作者劳伦·哈特斯坦说, 前博士后研究员 睡眠与发育实验室 在博彩平台推荐.

提供连贯的, 以科学为基础的公共卫生信息, the NSF invited Hartstein and 15 other experts to review more than 2,200 scientific articles on the subject and make recommendations.

The team boiled the research down to 35 experimental studies and five systematic review articles. They met over a year to develop and vote on statements. 他们达成了三点共识:

  • In general, screen use impairs sleep health among children and adolescents.
  • The content of screen use before sleep impairs sleep health of children and adolescents.
  • Behavioral strategies and interventions may attenuate the negative effects of screen use on sleep health.

值得注意的是, the group did not reach consensus on whether light from screens before bedtime impairs sleep for anyone.

“This is not to say that 专家组得出结论 light from screens does not impact sleep,哈特斯坦说. “But the current data are not strong enough for us to say conclusively that it has a direct effect.”

博彩平台推荐之前的研究表明 light from screens can decrease levels of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin in young children, who may be more vulnerable to the impacts of light because their lenses are clearer and their pupils larger than those of adults. But this previous study did not look specifically at whether light impacted sleep quality or duration.

The panel also failed to reach consensus on whether overall screen time, 光线或内容影响成年人的睡眠.

Adults may be less vulnerable to the impacts of screen content because their brains are fully matured and they are less subject to “fear of missing out (FOMO)” and other social pressures that can arise on screen-based media, 哈特斯坦说.

Adolescence, on the other hand, is the “perfect storm” of potential sleep problems, she said.

“Their bodies are naturally shifting toward later bedtimes and they have to get up early for school, so they are often very sleep deprived anyway and may be more susceptible to the impacts of media use,哈特斯坦说.

2010年至2018年, the percentage of working American adults reporting they slept less than seven hours per night increased from 30.9% to 35.6%. About one-third of kids and teens sleep less than is recommended for their age group. 平均, 吐温类, 青少年和成人, 分别, 报告使用基于屏幕的媒体平均为5.5, 8.每天5到7小时.

小组一致认为,有针对性的干预措施, such as setting screen use limits for youth (especially at night), can lead to them falling asleep earlier and sleeping longer. They also point to one study showing that when participants played video games before bed, they went to bed later and didn’t sleep as long or as deeply.

Having parents supervise content and model good screen use behavior for their children can help mitigate the negative effects of screen use on sleep, 专家组得出结论.

“Addressing screen use in youth really involves the whole family,哈特斯坦说. “It’s important for parents to talk to children about how they use technology and how it could affect their sleep so they can build healthy habits that last a lifetime.”

Monique LeBourgeois, associate professor of integrative physiology 在博彩平台推荐, 也参加了小组讨论. 勒布尔乔亚于11月去世.