Data-Driven Learning Library



Like a closet full of physics apparatus, but for data and models.

欢迎来到ATOC数据驱动学习库,简称DDLL. The DDLL is a virtual library of discipline-specific modules, ready for integration into the classroom. 许多ATOC的教职员工对研究质量的观测数据集和地球系统模型具有特定的专业知识和熟悉程度,这些数据集和模型已成功地转化为教学工具或课堂材料. These modules, contributed by faculty and curated by the Technology Committee, 为教授相同或类似课程的任何教员所设计,以便所有学生都能从ATOC教员的全面专业知识中受益, independent of who is the instructor at the time.


Module ID: 001

Synopsis: 利用轨道上的一对孪生卫星测量地球引力的微小变化, the GRACE satellite mission has provided monthly, global gravity maps since 2002. 这些测量使博彩平台推荐能够观察到格陵兰岛和南极冰盖物质平衡的变化. With this module, 学生可以估计和比较格陵兰岛和南极洲冰质量的趋势和变化. 学生还可以根据单个质量平衡分量(地表过程和流量)快速诊断格陵兰冰盖质量的变化。. Possible implementations of this module include in-class activity, lab/recitation exercise or homework assignment.

Curricular tie-ins: ice sheets; conservation of mass; sea level rise; climate change; uncertainty

Appropriate for: Undergraduate students.

Plausible courses: ATOC 1060; ATOC 3070; ATOC 3300; ATOC 3600; ATOC 4215; ATOC 4500; ATOC 4720; ATOC 4730

Software and skills required: Excel or similar.

Pedagogical suggestion:module_001_ped.docx

Data set:module_001_data.xlsx

Source: 重力恢复和气候试验(GRACE)格陵兰岛和南极洲月mascon时间序列( JPL | NASA PO.DAAC )

Code: N/A

Representative journal article: Recent contributions of glaciers and ice caps to sea level rise (Jacob et al. 2012, Nature)

Faculty contributor:Prof. Jan Lenaerts


Module ID: 002

Synopsis: Geostrophic balance, 贯穿整个大气和海洋动力学的一个基本概念, 能否利用地球观测卫星上的高度计所测得的海平面与近地表洋流相联系. With this module, 学生可以定性和定量地将地转平衡应用于星载海面高度观测,以预测和了解全球海洋的表面环流. Possible implementations of this module include in-class activity, lab/recitation exercise or homework assignment.

Curricular tie-ins: geostrophy; ocean circulation; western boundary currents; sea level

Appropriate for: Advanced undergraduates (4000-level course) and graduate students.

Plausible courses: ATOC 4720; ATOC 4730; ATOC 5051; ATOC 5060; ATOC 5061; ATOC 5730

Software and skills required: MATLAB software required. A minimum of prior experience is necessary, as code is provided that can be executed and slightly modified.

Pedagogical suggestion:module_002_ped.docx

Data set:module_002_data.mat *

Source: AVISO Satellite derived Sea Surface Height above Geoid ( AVISO | CMEMS | Entry in the NCAR Climate Data Guide )

Code:module_002_code.m **

Representative journal article: 利用高度计和潮汐计组合估算海面高度和近岸近岸海流(Saraceno et al. 2008, Journal of Geophysical ResearchOceans)

Faculty contributor:Prof. Kris Karnauskas

* For security reasons, this .mat file will save to your computer as a .pdf file. After downloading, simply change the extension from .pdf to .mat and it will be readable by MATLAB.

** For security reasons, this .m file will save to your computer as a .pdf file. After downloading, simply change the extension from .pdf to .m and it will be readable by MATLAB.


Module ID: 003

Synopsis: The Paris Climate Agreement, which entered into force in November 2016, aims to limit global warming to 2 degrees Centigrade (1.(如果可能的话)通过协调一致的国际努力来减少二氧化碳的排放. “全球碳计划”的成立是为了帮助国际科学界建立一个共同的, 共同商定的知识库,支持减缓大气中温室气体增长速度的政策辩论和行动." (*) With this module, 学生比较和对比不同的二氧化碳来源,如化石燃料排放和工业, land-use changes, as well as the ocean and land sink. Possible implementations of this module include in-class activity, lab/recitation exercise or homework assignment.

Curricular tie-ins: carbon cycle; climate change; international policy

Appropriate for: Undergraduate students.

Plausible courses: ATOC 1060; ATOC 3500; ATOC 3600; ATOC 4200; ATOC 4800

Software and skills required: Excel or similar.

Pedagogical suggestion:module_003_ped.docx

Data set:module_003_data.xlsx

Source: Global Carbon Budget 2017 ( Global Carbon Project )

Code: N/A

Representative journal article: Warning signs for stabilizing global CO2 emissions (Jackson et al. 2017, Environmental Research Letters)

Faculty contributor:Prof. Nikki Lovenduski

* About GCP


Module ID: 004

Synopsis: 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)依靠国际气候模拟界来深入了解未来气候可能变化的范围, 全球降雨分布的变化是社会特别关注的问题. With this module, 学生可以定量分析30个国家的成果, 全球气候模式模拟,量化未来降水变化的预测. 学生可以评估预测趋势相对于自然气候变率的重要性, determine the extent to which the predictions are model-dependent, 并探讨预测对全球二氧化碳排放情景的总体敏感性. 本模块的可能实现包括实验/复习练习, homework assignment or semester project.

Curricular tie-ins: hydroclimate; IPCC; climate change; numerical models; uncertainty

Appropriate for: Advanced undergraduates (4000-level course) and graduate students. *

Plausible courses: ATOC 4500; ATOC 4730; ATOC 5730; ATOC 6100 *

Software and skills required: MATLAB software required. A minimum of prior experience is necessary, as code is provided that can be executed and slightly modified. *

Pedagogical suggestion:module_004_ped.docx

Data set:module_004_data.mat **

Source: Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 ( Earth System Grid Federation | )

Code:module_004_code.m ***

Representative journal article: 基于CMIP5模式的东非平均降雨量和温度预估变化(Ongoma et al. 2017, International Journal of Climatology)

Faculty contributor:Prof. Kris Karnauskas

*本模块可适用于低级别本科课程(如.g., ATOC 1060复习活动或ATOC 3600),如果教师只是从提供的完整网格数据文件中计算面积平均时间序列, and provides those columnar data in Excel format to the students.

** For security reasons, this .mat file will save to your computer as a .pdf file. After downloading, simply change the extension from .pdf to .mat and it will be readable by MATLAB.

*** For security reasons, this .m file will save to your computer as a .pdf file. After downloading, simply change the extension from .pdf to .m and it will be readable by MATLAB.


Module ID: 005

Synopsis: "Two years after the discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole in 1985, 世界各国签署了博彩app推荐消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书, which regulated ozone-depleting compounds. 后来的《博彩app推荐》修正案完全淘汰了氟氯化碳的生产." (*) With this module, 学生可以探索美国宇航局对南半球臭氧空洞的面积和严重程度的卫星观测, 对其在过去大约四十年中的演变进行定量评估, 批判性地思考国际政策,包括比较和对比与臭氧空洞和全球变暖相关的挑战和解决方案. Possible implementations of this module include in-class activity, lab/recitation exercise or homework assignment.

Curricular tie-ins: ozone; atmospheric chemistry; stratosphere; climate change; international policy

Appropriate for: Undergraduate students.

Plausible courses: ATOC 1050; ATOC 1060; ATOC 1070; ATOC 3300; ATOC 3500; ATOC 3600; ATOC 4500

Software and skills required: Excel or similar.

Pedagogical suggestion:module_005_ped.docx

Data set: module_005_data.xlsx

Source: Ozone hole area and minimum ozone ( NASA Ozone Watch )

Code: N/A

Representative journal article: Emergence of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer (Solomon et al. 2016, Science)

Faculty contributor:Prof. Kris Karnauskas

* 美国国家航空航天局的研究:化学禁令导致臭氧层空洞恢复的第一个直接证据


This project was made possible through support from the Arts & 科学支持教育通过技术(asset)教师研究员计划. 如有问题,意见或建议/贡献模块,请联系 Prof. Kris Karnauskas, Chair of the ATOC Technology Committee.