
全面国际化是战略性的, 寻求调整和整合政策的协调过程, 项目, 和 initiatives to position colleges 和 universities as more globally oriented 和 internationally connected.


Internationalization 和 global engagement are not possible without the participation of the faculty, 因为他们是创造和传播知识的核心. 的 全球参与办公室 is committed to help faculty achieve their internationalization goals by supporting:

  • 教员参加国际会议
  • 短期和长期出国博彩平台推荐
  • 课程和联合课程活动和内容的开发
  • 与国际机构建立伙伴关系和协议

全球参与资源列表 在这里 是为了支持教师吗, staff 和 students in better underst和ing 和 carrying out work involving international collaborations, 实体或个人.


Many faculty are interested in bringing outst和ing students from other countries to CU Boulder for 研究 or study. 的 University is pleased to include highly qualified students in our graduate 和 undergraduate 项目; indeed, 博彩平台推荐正在努力增加校园里的国际学生人数.

Applications for admission to the University are available online via the Office of Admissions website:

Although international students are eligible to compete with domestic students for some forms of financial support (e.g., 研究助理, 研究生兼职教师职位, 体育奖学金), 他们可能得不到任何联邦资助的财政援助. T在这里 are very few scholarships reserved for international students attending CU Boulder at this time 和 unfortunately, 一年级国际学生没有.



在计划你的海外经历之前,先熟悉一下 博彩平台推荐国际旅行和项目政策 是教务长批准的. 本政策适用于以下类型的国际旅行和项目:

  • International travel by faculty/staff accompanying students on a CU Boulder-sponsored, 铜Boulder-affiliated, 或与博彩平台推荐的活动/计划有关.

  • 留学项目, 国际实习, 研究, 志愿服务, 服务学习, 在国外独立学习, 或者国际旅行,这是一个舱位的一部分.
  • International travel by students sponsored by or affiliated with CU Boulder or by CU Boulder student organizations, both affiliated 和 independent student organizations registered with Center for Student Involvement.




教师交流由学院或院系管理. Both the incoming 和 outgoing faculty members can exp和 their teaching 和 研究 horizons with new perspectives 和 have important cross-cultural experiences abroad which they bring back 和 can use to enrich their home campuses. 

Unlike formal student exchanges that are managed by OIE, 教师交流s are often less formal.  通过学生交换, it is a fairly straightforward process to exchange tuition 和 fees 和 sometimes also on-campus housing.  It is much more difficult to determine a way to exchange salaries 和/or housing for faculty.  However, departments have found ways to send faculty overseas 和 to receive faculty 在这里. 

一般来说,谈判在交易开始前一年多就开始了. 需要处理的主题包括:

  • 工资和旅行的财务安排
  • 接收部门对教学和/或研究的详细期望
  • 交换的持续时间和时间
  • 为所有当事人提供健康和意外保险
  • 签证手续 

It is our experience that compromises are necessary to deal with inequalities in salaries, 日历上的差异, 和, 在某些情况下, 国际院校的教学负担比美国更重. 其他可能使交流复杂化的问题是儿童的教育, 配偶的就业, 以及东道国语言培训不足.

As much information as possible should be provided by each partner in the exchange, including the individuals' 学历 和 experience; college catalogues 和 other descriptive materials; course outlines if appropriate; 和 descriptions of housing, 社区, 和气候. 即将到来的交换教员的主人有一项非常重要的任务!

如果你希望建立一个正在进行的教员交流, 你还需要评估其他一些因素. 你们部门的兴趣有多高, 或相关部门, 在你希望成为伴侣的国家和机构中有哪些人? What is the likelihood of funding faculty for the exchange in future years who have the interest, 学历, 工作保障, 家庭状况, 语言能力, 以及参与的经济手段? 其他机构能找到同样水平的兴趣吗? A realistic evaluation of these factors can protect you from future disappointment 和 embarrassment.

Those planning 教师交流s need to obtain departmental 和 school or college approval.


富布赖特项目是美国的一个项目.S. 政府国际教育交流的旗舰项目. 它被提交给了美国.S. 1945年的国会,当时的新参议员J. 来自阿肯色州的威廉·富布赖特. 在第二次世界大战之后, Senator Fulbright viewed the proposed program as a much-needed vehicle for promoting "mutual underst和ing between the people of the United States 和 the people of other countries of the world." His vision was approved by Congress 和 the program signed into law by President Truman in 1946.

的 program is designed to “increase mutual underst和ing between the people of the United States 和 the people of other countries.以这个目标为起点, 富布赖特项目提供了近310个项目,000 participants—chosen for their academic merit 和 leadership potential — with the opportunity to study, 教授和进行研究, exchange ideas 和 contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns.


“富布赖特项目”一词包括各种交流项目, 包括个人和机构资助. 欲知详情,请浏览网页 http://fulbright.state.gov/.

U.S. citizens with PhD's, or other terminal degrees, may apply for the following grant-funded 项目:

  • 的 富布赖特U.S. 学者计划 发送大约1次,每年有200名美国学者和专业人士前往大约125个国家, w在这里 they lecture 和/or conduct 研究 in a wide variety of academic 和 professional fields.
  • 的 富布赖特专家项目是对核心富布赖特学者项目的短期补充.S. 教师和专业人士为课程提供专家咨询, 教师发展, institutional planning 和 related subjects at overseas academic institutions for a period of 2 to 6 weeks.
  • 的 富布赖特博彩平台推荐学者项目 provides grants to approximately 800 foreign scholars from over 155 countries to lecture 和/or conduct postdoctoral 研究 at U.S. 从一个学期到一整个学年.
  • 的 富布赖特驻校学者计划 使你.S. colleges 和 universities to host foreign academics to lecture on a wide range of subject fields for a semester or academic year. Preference is given to institutions developing an international agenda 和/or serving a minority audience, 包括传统的黑人学院和大学, 西班牙裔服务机构, 部落的大学, 小型文理学院和社区学院. 每年大约颁发50个奖学金.


  • 来表达你对这个项目的兴趣, join the My Fulbright online community for updates 和 to access helpful resources for applicants: http://www.cies2.org/s/1064/index.aspx

  • 随着核心富布赖特学者项目竞赛的启动, restrictions regarding previous Fulbright experiences will no longer be a prohibitive factor in applying for a Fulbright Scholar grant.  Lifetime limit restrictions that were implemented beginning in June of 2006 have now been lifted.  但是,根据 第624节.2 富布赖特项目政策, general preference for Fulbright Scholar opportunities will continue to be given to c和idates who have not previously received a Fulbright Scholar grant.
  • 的 Fulbright Program now includes dependent supplements for same-sex domestic partners.  根据章节 641.2 富布赖特项目政策中博彩app推荐受抚养人的补贴, 被抚养人的定义是:(1)配偶, 或者(2)有合格的同性家庭伴侣, 或者(3)亲戚(孩子), 孙子, 家长, (或兄弟姐妹)在经济上依赖受让人的人.  Accompany dependents are those who spend at least 80% of the grant period with the grantee abroad.

VIVO数据库记录了教师的专业知识和研究兴趣.  用这个来寻找博彩平台推荐具有国际专业知识的教员.
