The Au.D. 是临床听力学的入门级学位,强调临床能力发展和循证实践吗. Students in the Au.D. 完成4年(11个学期)的课程,包括学术课程, clinical practicum, and research experiences (capstone) and/or electives. 学生参加有关听力科学、临床听力学和研究方法的高级研讨会. 请注意,其中一些高级课程通常是在校外举行的.g., at University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora), 是什么让学生有机会接触到知名的专业人士来教授这些课程,以及他们可能无法接触到的实验室/设备.

学生有机会在实验室和临床环境中进行临床研究, with faculty in a wide range of areas, including electrophysiology, psychological acoustics, physiological acoustics, 通过老年病学对新生儿进行诊断评估和干预程序, advanced amplification, speech perception in noise, assistive technologies, cochlear implants, 前庭评估技术与听力损失患者的听力康复. Furthermore, 学生进行临床实践,以发展与国家临床认证和/或听力学执照一致的实践范围内的能力. 他们将有机会在几个不同的环境中完成临床轮转,包括充分利用演讲的实验室和套房, Language and Hearing Sciences department. 轮换包括奥罗拉的科罗拉多大学医院和科罗拉多大学健康博尔德诊所门诊, Children’s Hospital in Denver, Denver Health, local school districts, 以及整个博尔德和丹佛地区的其他临床机构. 许多学生在丹佛地区和国家环境中完成了第四年的实习. 

While during the 1st year of the AuD program, 在博尔德,可能不需要公共交通以外的交通工具, 请注意,从项目第二年开始,学生将被要求往返于非现场临床经验以及一些课程(通常每周一到两天).

申请人应在课程开始前具备必要的先决课程和内容知识. 被录取的学生将被要求提交一份先决条件表格.

Required Coursework

  • University-level statistics course

Required Content Knowledge

澳大课程不涉及以下内容知识. 学生必须具备这些内容知识,以满足ASHA 2020听力学认证标准.

  • 听力正常和受损个体在整个生命周期中的语言和言语特征及其发展
  • 识别可能干扰沟通的言语和/或认知障碍风险人群, health, education, and/or psychosocial function
  • Screening for comprehension and production of language, including the cognitive and social aspects of communication
  • Screening for speech production skills (e.g.(发音、流利度、共鸣和声音特征)

Strongly Recommended Content Knowledge

澳大利亚大学的课程是基于学生具备以下背景知识的假设来教授的. Therefore, 博彩平台推荐强烈建议学生在学习AuD相关课程之前先学习这些知识.

  • Pre-calculus including algebra and trigonometry
  • 听力学评估-听力评估的基本原则和技术, including pure-tone, speech, immittance, and advanced audiometry; hearing conservation in hospital, school, and industrial settings; and identification and evaluation of auditory pathologies. 有听力筛选和纯音测听的经验.
  • 听力科学-基本了解听力过程的三个主要方面:环境中的声音(物理声学), sounds encoded within the auditory system (anatomy of the auditory system; physiological acoustics) and perception of sound (psychological acoustics).
  • 语音学-对语音产生的基本理解, 用国际音标转录语音, analyzing the acoustic properties of speech sounds, understanding how speech sounds vary depending on the context.
  • 听力康复-与聋人或重听人的康复和康复有关的基本原则和技术:放大, speech, language, auditory, speech reading, and educational issues.
  • 语言科学-对结构组织(解剖学)的基本理解, function (physiology), 以及用于产生语言的结构的神经控制, swallowing, respiration, and related behaviors in humans.

Clinical practica are required of all students in the Au.D. Program.  These clinical experiences are:
Level I 观察和现场临床教育-第一学期和第二学期
Level II Part time clinical rotations – 6 semesters
Level III Externship – one year full time

临床教育从SLHS部门的工作开始. 经过两个学期的课程学习和现场临床教育, 学生进入博彩平台推荐位于博尔德的科罗拉多大学医院门诊的校园诊所,在那里他们作为主要临床医生与临床听力学家一起工作. After competency assessment, students are able to complete rotations in Ear, Nose, and Throat clinics, other hospitals and agencies and/or public school settings. 这些地点每学期轮换,让学生在更广泛的服务领域获得深入的经验, including vestibular assessments, electrophysiologic procedures, and cochlear implants.


In all clinical education placements, 学生由临床认证和注册或许可听力学家进行监督,并在各个年龄段进行各种诊断和康复.

Students in the Au.D. 项目可以进入博尔德和丹佛都会区范围广泛的临床站点.  Sample clinical practicum sites include:

  • University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
  • The Children’s Hospital
  • Public school districts, such as Boulder Valley School District, Jefferson County School District, Denver Public Schools, and Adams Schools
  • Rocky Mountain Ear Center
  • Denver Health Center
  • Boulder Community Hospital

Audiology Clinical Handbook